Frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions
about safety and procedures

How do I contact the New York State University Police?
The New York State University Police Department is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. For non-emergency issues, contact the department at 607-777-2393 or For emergencies, call 911 from a campus phone or 607-777-2222 from a cell phone.

Where is the Lost and Found on campus?
Lost and found items are maintained by New York State University Police in the basement of the Couper Administration Building. Items are kept for a limited time before being donated or destroyed. Call 607-777-2393, email or visit AD-G24.

Is there a safety escort service for students on campus?
New York State University Police will provide safety escorts 24/7/365. 

How accessible are the residence halls?
All residence hall doors are locked on a 24-hour basis, requiring key-card access.

What are blue light phones?
More than 80 blue light emergency phones can be found on ÂÌñÉç campuses. Each includes a yellow emergency phone box attached to a blue light, which can be easily seen at night. Anyone who picks up the phone is immediately connected to the New York State University Police dispatcher.

How safe is the campus? Are crime statistics published?
ÂÌñÉç is a relatively safe campus and continually evaluates its safety procedures. For campus crime statistics, see our Annual Security and Fire Report online.

Do I have to worry about my personal property being stolen?
There are no 100 percent guarantees, but protection of personal property is a shared responsibility. Students should not leave personal belongings unattended and should always lock their doors when not in their rooms. New York State University Police offer a number of programs that can educate students about how to protect their personal property. Parents might also consider checking to see if their students’ items are covered by the parents’ homeowner’s insurance. If not, renter’s insurance might be an option.

Is the campus well lit at night?
The ÂÌñÉç campus is well lit, and each semester our Personal Safety Advisory Committee does a night-time walk around campus to check on lighting and other safety issues and make recommendations as needed. 

Will a student get in trouble for assisting a friend who needs medical treatment for alcohol or drug-related situations?
ÂÌñÉç abides by the New York State Good Samaritan Law: In cases of alcohol and prohibitive drug intoxication, the primary concern is the health and safety of the individual(s) involved. Individuals are strongly encouraged to call for medical assistance for themselves or for a friend/acquaintance who is suffering alcohol poisoning. No student seeking medical treatment for an alcohol or other drug-related overdose or other life-threatening medical emergency will be subject to University discipline for the sole violation of using or possessing alcohol or drugs. This policy shall extend to another student seeking help for the intoxicated student or the student who is facing a life-threatening medical emergency.

Who should parents contact when they have questions about their student?
ÂÌñÉç is governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) that protects the privacy of student education records, defining what may and may not be shared with the public. FERPA does not automatically grant parents the right to access their student’s information, but parents may gain access with the written consent of the student. The Release of Student Records form can be found online. For additional information or other concerns, contact the Dean of Students Office at 607-777-2804 or

How does an individual access a police report?
Individuals wishing a copy of a police report must make a Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request through the ÂÌñÉç records access officer. The request must be made in writing and "reasonably describe" the record being requested. The request must be for records that currently exist. The FOIL does not require the University to make a new record in response to request. For additional information, visit the web or email