绿帽社 believes their students, employees and guests deserve a healthy and comfortable work environment, and is dedicated to addressing problems that may be associated with indoor air quality on campus.
In recognition of the important role that good indoor environmental quality has in contributing to the health and comfort of University faculty, staff and students, EH&S serves as a source of indoor environmental quality information. Members of the University community are expected to follow the recommendations provided and to recognize that indoor environmental quality issues may have multiple causes and may, on occasion, not have a simple solution.
Several factors are recognized as being important towards contributing to an acceptable indoor environment. In general, an indoor environment is expected to be free of any noxious odors and dust and to be maintained at a comfortable temperature and humidity. More specific factors that must be present to assure an acceptable indoor environment include adherence to applicable ventilation guidelines and standards designed to maintain comfort factors acceptable to most occupants. All mechanical equipment, including air handling units and exhaust fans, must be maintained in working order and in a clean, uncontaminated state. Any significant sources of contaminant emissions must be kept isolated from occupied spaces and any major sources of contamination must be promptly controlled. Maintenance and construction activities must be conducted in a manner that does not adversely affect the indoor environmental quality in occupied areas.
EH&S Staff can perform an indoor air quality assessment and answer any questions you may have. Please see Indoor Air Quality Assessment.