
Accident Reporting

An injured employee or student must report any accident where medical attention and/or first aid is required, or whenever any apparent bodily injury was received by the injured.

All employees must complete a form CS-13 Employee Report of Accident or Injury, within 3 days after the date of the incident. Retain a copy for your files. Forward the original to your supervisor who will complete their portion. Supervisors are to forward the original to Human Resources, with a copy going to the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS).

For more information check out the Human Resources Website

Emergency Information

  • Department Emergency Action Plan
    • You can access the Info Sheet from the EHS Lab Dashboard
    • Click "Manage my Labs" and from the dropdown select the room you want to change
    • Navigate to the "Emergency Info Sheet" tab
    • Fill it out with appropriate information. The information last submitted will already be pre-populated
    • Click submit to save your changes and input your B# to print
    • email if you don't have all of your rooms listed

Waste Management

Laboratory Safety

Laboratory Audit Program

Right to Know