绿帽社 now offers online training for BBP, Biosafety, and PPE through CITI Training and BComply. Both use your BU account and password to register so you won't need to create a new login. The instructions are below:
Bloodborne Pathogen Training on BComply:
Most people working with BBP will need to take the online module on BComply by following the instructions below:
- Go to
- Click the checkmark next to the BBP module and then "Add To Your Assignments"
- You will recieve an automated email from the BComply Mailer. You can now take the training online.
Bloodborne Pathogen Training on CITI:
Anyone working on a funded research must also take the CITI Training by following these instructions:
and then click "LOG IN THROUGH MY INSTITUTION" and chose SUNY-University at 绿帽社. *
After you log in You will see the Main Menu:
Click Add a Course:
Skip to question 4:
Select "Initial Biosafety Training," OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Training," and OSHA Personal Protective Equipment Training."
Skip additional questions
Click Submit
You should see your course listed in the Main Menu. Select the course and begin. It should take you 1-2 hours to complete. You may come back to the course at any time. There is no time limit. You can retake the quizzes until you pass. These courses expires every 4 years.
*If you do not have an account and have a 绿帽社 email, please do the following: and then click REGISTER and chose SUNY-University at 绿帽社 for your organization (select the one with SSO). Click both boxes that you agree and then choose (Continue To Create Your SSO Username/Password). You should then be prompted to create your account using your 绿帽社 email and PODS account info.
*If you do not have an account and do not have a 绿帽社 email, please do the following: and then click REGISTER and chose SUNY-University at 绿帽社 for your organization ( Do not select the one with SSO). Click both boxes that you agree and then choose (Continue To Create Your CITI Program Username/Password). You should then be prompted to create your account using your own email.
See the Office of Reseach Compliance "Responsible Conduct of Research" website for more information.
J. Kelly Donovan
Assistant Director
Bridget M. McCane Saunders
Occupational Health and Safety Specialist; Instructional Support Specialist