Dynamic Systems Research

Anechoic Chamber

Dynamic Systems

Multiphysics phenomena, microstructural vibrations, MEMS/NEMS, novel acoustic measurement techniques, noise control, microscale vibrations and acoustics, nonlinear dynamics, sensors and actuators, control systems, robotics

Recent Publications
  • M. Mousavi, M. Alzgool, D. Lopez, S. Towfighian (2022) ,  Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 338 (2022): 113453.
  • Walsh, Jonathan, and Ronald N. Miles. "." (2021). engarxiv.org
  • J. Wu and K. Yu  (2022). IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and Engineering, to appear.
  • Ruzziconi, L., Jaber, N., Kosuru, L., Bellaredj, M.L. and Younis, M.I., 2022. (pp. 301-309). Springer, Cham.
Associated Faculty
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