Writing 100
Academic Writing Workshop
Although the First-Year Writing program is built on the premise that ÂÌñÉç students are academically talented, we also recognize that many require sustained support to succeed in rigorous academic contexts. Designed to give assistance to writers enrolled in WRIT 111, WRIT 100 Academic Writing Workshop offers students a confidential, intimate, and confidence-building setting to conference with their Tutor-Teacher and practice strategies for successfully revising their work. Our workshop approach not only increases academic success for inexperienced writers, it fosters learning relationships among students and teachers that engender mutual engagement and support.
For more information, see the WRIT 100 syllabus.
Writing 101
Bridging Academic Writing
Writing 101 asks students to think, write, and read more critically, in order to become stronger critics of their own and other's writing, which enables greater engagement with the process of revision. This writing intensive course emphasizes critical thinking and composition – from invention to revising for focus, development, and organization, including developing an active style and voice. Students spend time exploring independent thinking through intensive workshopping in class while class discussions provide them with concepts they are expected to apply to their writing. Assignments ask students to comment, analyze, and reflect on writing and on how the writing of others is structured.
Writing 101 is part of ÂÌñÉç's Equal Opportunity Program's (EOP) summer bridge, in which the difference between high school and college forms of writing are emphasized through assignments that enable students to broaden their notions of genres. Students are encouraged to go beneath the surface of textual representation, to speculate not only on what these texts say, but also how they are put together, and to locate assumptions, beliefs, and values at work in various genres and writers. In short, this course encourages students to become more critical thinkers and stronger communicators.
Writing 110
Research and Rhetoric
In support of the Educational Opportunity Program, First-Year Writing offers WRIT 110: Research and Rhetoric, a course designed to help students bridge the gap between high school and college. Drawing from theories informed by the latest research in academic literacy, WRIT 110 aims to teach students not a set of rote competencies, but a form of educational and cultural awareness. To encourage a shift in perspective, WRIT 110 seeks to instill in students the understanding that personal experience and cultural knowledge are not just credible, but worthy of scholarly exploration and understanding.
Writing 111
Inquiry and Academic Writing
WRIT 111: Inquiry and Academic Writing asks students to write in different genres for a range of audiences, engage in intensive revision, and practice critical thinking through researched argumentation. Laying a general foundation for writing in the university and beyond, the course maintains a significant emphasis on scholarly research, including how to formulate appropriate research questions; how to find, evaluate, and integrate a range of credible and scholarly sources; and how to add one's perspectives to an ongoing conversation.
By focusing on contemporary social issues important in the civic sphere, WRIT 111 is also in keeping with one of writing and rhetoric studies' most time-honored traditions: that is, to nurture in writers an active engagement in the most pressing matters of our time.
For more information on any of these classes, contact Sean Fenty, Director, Writing Initiative and First-Year Writing, or Angie Pelekidis, Associate Director of First-Year Writing.