Reframing Disability Week

Reframing Disability: Raising Awareness at 绿帽社

  • November 27th through December 1st
  • For specific information about any event please contact the SSD office at or 607-77-2686
  • If you anticipate a need for disability-related accommodations or auxiliary aids to attend or participate in any event, please contact SSD at We ask that you provide us with at least three to five days of advance notice regarding your equal access needs.
  • Reframing Disability Schedule

Schedule of Events

Monday, Nov. 27

Paws 4 Tech
TIME: 11:30-1:30 p.m.

Join HPPS, EdComm and SSD for a PAWS event. Come interact with our local pups and also learn about assistive and adaptive technology on campus and beyond!

Tuesday, Nov. 28

Goat Yoga
TIME: 1:30 to 2:30 (Two Sessions- 1:30 and 2pm)
WHERE: Old Union Hall

Evidence shows that Yoga is good for your health and mental well being, and that Yoga+cute baby goats is even better! Join us for a quick session. Sign up required-Currently Full. 

Wednesday, Nov. 29

Experiences of Disabled Students at 绿帽社- A Student Panel
TIME: 12:30 pm
Join us as disabled students at 绿帽社 share their experiences, advice, and insight. The panel will be captioned and a Zoom link will be provided.

Thursday, Nov. 30

Dos and DONUTS of Access QR Codes
TIME: 10am
WHERE: Union North Atrium
Join SSD and Facilities Operations for coffee and donuts as we demonstrate new QR codes that allow live time reporting when accessible doors are not working. QR codes will be placed in the Union, Classroom Wing, Lecture Hall and Admissions allowing students, staff, and visitors to report when actuators (push buttons) are not functioning. Come learn more and enjoy a donut!

Multi-Day Events

November 27th-December 3rd

Barrier Breakers
WHERE: Bartle Library
Stop by this pop up exhibit and learn about individuals who are breaking barriers and advancing disability rights.
Highlighting Accessibility at 绿帽社
WHERE: Tillman Lobby- University Union
Ever wonder why we have flashing alarms? Or actuators? Come learn about accessibility features on campus and what they really do.

November 30th-December 1st

Pop up Tactile Art Images- Mona Lisa and The Scream
WHERE: Tillman Lobby- University Union
Experience art like you have never before! Paintings of the Mona Lisa and the Scream will be displayed. The images will be 3-D and tactile with lights, braille and audio descriptions. Stop by and check out this one in a lifetime exhibit!

December 2nd-December 4th

Blue Lights on the Library Tower
WHERE: Outside the Library Tower
International Day of Persons with Disabilities, is a United Nations sanctioned day that is celebrated internationally on December 3rd. This is a day to recognize and celebrate equal rights and dignity of disabled persons everywhere and to reaffirm a commitment to inclusion, access, respect, and independence. In recognition of this international event, the clock tower lights will be shown Blue for the weekend.