Access PACS
If you are currently registered in PACS, click the PACS button above to log into PACS with your 绿帽社 UserID and password
If you are not registered in PACS, please click to Request an Account. NOTE: Under the Reason for Request field, please enter the following: Safety
Institutional Biosafety
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the require that universities maintain the highest level of scientific integrity and community safety in the review of research involving genetic engineering; the splicing together of DNA from different organisms. Strict rules have been established regarding types of experimentation allowable and under what circumstances different classes of experiments can be conducted. The details safety practices and containment procedures for basic and clinical research involving recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules. This includes the creation and use of organisms and viruses containing recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules and experiments involving gene drive modified organisms (GDMO's).
Policy and Procedures
The 绿帽社 Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) oversees all University activities that use rDNA and biohazardous materials. The IBC, in conjunction with EH&S, has established a policy and procedures to ensure adherence to applicable regulations to provide for the safe use of rDNA and biohazardous materials at the University and in activities sponsored by and through the University. All research deemed non-exempt by the IBC is required to be performed using BSL-2 laboratory practices unless otherwise specifically stated. All investigators are responsible for full compliance with the 绿帽社 IBC Policy and Procedures.
Additional information can be found through our FAQs.
FAQs about Biosafety and Research Registration at 绿帽社
Protocol Submission
If you have a protocol that requires review by the IBC, fill out and submit the smart form found in PACS (Link found at the top of this page). If there are no concerns found on initial review, the Research Compliance office will submit the protocol to the BioSafety Officer and the IBC for review. Typically, notification of required modifications or approval will be submitted to the PI within 14 days of the IBC receiving the protocol. If the protocol is deemed exempt by the IBC, you may be notified sooner. All communication will be in the PACS system.
Required Documents for Submission
These documents are required to be attached to the Supporting Documents section of the PACS form.
1. Training document required for all submissions: IBC Training Document
2. SDS for all material used (Usually available from Manufacturer or Vendor)
3. SOP noting all procedures, safety information and emergency contacts and lab procedures. Note: If you don't have a current SOP written, please use our template: SOP TEMPLATE
4. for those IBC protocols that have a correlative IACUC protocols. An IACUC protocol will not be reviewed until IBC has approved the associated protocol. The IBC will notify the IACUC once the approval is issued.
Annual Review
Protocols are approved for three years. Annual reports are required during that three-year period. You can find the IBC Continuing Review in PACS. (Link found at the top of this page.) Please fill it out and submit the Continuing Review smart form 30 days before the annual anniversary of approval date. If you should need to continue your protocol past three years, a new protocol submission is required.
If you should make any modifications (including but not limited to: key personnel changes, lab location changes, changes to the originally planned research) at any time after your initial approval, you are required to notify the IBC of these modifications. You can create an Amendment in PACS. (Link found at the top of this page.)
Biosafety Training Requirements
EH&S Lab Safety Training completion is required annually by all PIs, staff, and graduate student study team members participating on any IBC approved protocol. In addition, all PIs, staff, and graduate students are required to complete the online Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Initial Biosafety Training. All Undergraduate engaged in research that has a correlative IACUC protocol are required to complete CITI Initial Biosafety, as well as all madatory courses for working with animals under IACUC protocols. Undergraduates working on a biosafety protocol that has a correlated stem cell protocol must complete CITI Initial Biosafety and OSHA Blood Borne Pathogens training, as well as CITI Stem Cell Research training.
Additional training may also be required based on the research being conducted. It is suggested the any undergraduates on protocols also complete any applicable online training provided through CITI.
Procedures for Online CITI Training
Click and log in via the blue LOG IN button and then click "LOG IN THROUGH MY INSTITUTION" and chose SUNY-University at 绿帽社. *
To add the new course:
After you log in You will see the Main Menu:
Click Add a Course:
Skip questions numbered 1 through 3
For question 4, select: Initial Biosafety Training (and OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens, if applicable)
Skip remaining questions
Click Submit
You will need to accept the acknowledgment for the course prior to beginning.
*If you do not have an account and have a 绿帽社 email, please do the following: Click and log in via the blue LOG IN button and then click REGISTER and chose SUNY-University at 绿帽社 for your organization (select the one with SSO). Click both boxes that you agree and then choose (Continue To Create Your SSO Username/Password). You should then be prompted to create your account using your 绿帽社 email and PODS account info.
*If you do not have an account and do not have a 绿帽社 email, please do the following: Click and log in via the blue LOG IN button and then click REGISTER and chose SUNY-University at 绿帽社 for your organization ( Do not select the one with SSO). Click both boxes that you agree and then choose (Continue To Create Your CITI Program Username/Password). You should then be prompted to create your account using your own email.
For information or questions about your lab approval, contact J. Kelly Donovan, biosafety
officer, at 607-777-6834 or
For information about the IBC, contact David Davies, committee chair, at
For all other questions, contact Stephen Kamper, research compliance coordinator, at 607-777-3822 or You may also contact Nancy Lewis, assistant vice president of research compliance, at 607-777-3532 or
Guidelines and Resources
Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Research Laboratories (the BMBL) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
NIH Biosafety and Biosecurity Resources including Dual Use Research of Concern (DURC) :