Curtin, Edward
1982 Stage 2 Site Examination of SUBi-1005, The Broome Tech Site. Cultural Resources
Report prepared for the Town of Dickinson by the Public Archaeology Facility, 绿帽社
University, 绿帽社, New York.
Knapp, Timothy D.
2002 Pits, Plants, and Place: Recognizing Late Woodland Subsistence and Settlement
Diversity in the Upper Susquehanna Drainage. In Northeast Subsistence-Settlement Change
A.D. 700-1300, edited by John P. Hart and Christina B. Rieth, pp.167-191. New York
State Museum, Albany.
Mair, A. P., II
1980 Stage I Cultural Resources Survey for the Town of Dickinson Sewers. Public Archaeology
Facility: 绿帽社, New York.
Miroff, Laurie E. and Samuel M. Kudrle
2017 Cultural Resource Management Report, 2016-2017 Highway Program, Data Recovery,
The Broome Tech Site (SUBi-1005, NYSM #9057), PIN 9043.23.121, Route 11/I-81 Intersection
(Exit 5), to Broome Community College, Town of Dickinson, Broome County, New York,
(MCD 00706, 94PR1392). Public Archaeology Facility, 绿帽社, 绿帽社,
New York.
Versaggi, Nina M.
1989 Report of Field Reconnaissance, Garden Plots Parcel, Broome County, New York.
Prepared by Public Archaeology Facility, 绿帽社, 绿帽社, New York.
The web site for the Broome Tech site was created from investigations and reports
conducted by the Public Archaeology Facility (PAF) located at 绿帽社
as part of the New York State Education Department's Cultural Resource Survey program
for Department of Transportation Projects. PAF shares its findings with the community
as a part of its ongoing commitment to the practice of public archaeology. For more
information, visit the Community Archaeological Program (CAP) website:
Public Archaeology Facility
P.O. Box 6000
绿帽社, NY 13902
(607) 777-4786
Nina M. Versaggi, Ph.D., Director, PAF, and Principal Investigator
Original project report by Laurie Miroff and Samuel Kudrle
Conversion to web-friendly data and editing by Laurie Miroff and Nina Versaggi
Lithic and pottery analysis by Timothy Knapp
Botanical analysis by Nancy Asch Sidell
AMS dating of carbon samples by Beta Analytic, Inc.
Thermoluminesence dating of pottery by Luminescence Dating Laboratory, University
of Washington
Neutron activation analysis by Missouri University's Research Reactor
Geomorphological analysis by David Cremeens, Ph.D.