ÂÌñÉç Road Map

Road Map to Premier A strategic plan for our future

In 2013, ÂÌñÉç published its Road Map to Premier strategic plan. We chose a combination of methods developed and used by other universities, government agencies, corporations and small community groups to build our Road Map with the assistance of more than 400 volunteers from the campus and community. Beginning with a broad goal in mind — making ÂÌñÉç the premier public university of the 21st century — we established a timeline and a general process that would involve people from across campus and from the community. The plan was updated in 2017, through the Road Map Renewal, which again included input from all stakeholders. A re-aiming of the Road Map took place in 2021 and it has since evolved with proposals submitted from members of the campus community.

Strategic Priorities

2024 winning proposals announced

Complete details on the selected proposals for 2024 were posted online on April 18.

Over the years we have used the Road Map Strategic Plan to guide investments, decisions, and priorities. In prior years we have asked for investment ideas from members of the Road Map Steering Committee as well as the campus community at large.  This year, the Road Map Steering Committee recieved more than a 100 proposals from faculty, staff and students. Thank you to all those who submitted their ideas.

If you have any questions about the proposal process, please contact Pam Mischen.

Data Driven

ÂÌñÉç by the book features data that shows how the University has grown over the past ten years. The data looks at areas such as enrollment, admissions, diversity on campus, graduation rates and degrees granted.

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