Student Committee Opportunities
Students are encouraged to get involved with key decisions that occur within the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Each committee will have the opportunity for students to be involved, contribute and influence decisions made on a wide array of topics. Contact the Office for Student Affairs to learn how to take advantage of being involved with School of Pharmacy committees. The opportunity to apply for student positions on these faculty-led committees is made available at the start of each fall semester.
Below is a list of standing committees with a description of each. Students may apply directly to each committee through the links provided under the descriptions. In only rare occasions will students serve on more than one committee in a given year. Be intentional about the committees that you choose.
Committee on Awards and Progression (CAP)
Charge: This committee is charged with assessing student academic progress, scholarship, professionalism, recommendations for academic and/or disciplinary sanction(s), student recognition, and awards. The CAP also conducts student hearings as specified in the SOPPS Academic Integrity Policy, the SOPPS Professionalism Policy, and the PharmD Student Handbook. The committee, in conjunction with the OSA, makes recommendations for student honors, awards, and all other monetary or other forms of recognition based on qualifications. The CAP will be informed of mid-semester grades by the OAA, and will convene at the midpoint and end of each semester, and as needed.
Curriculum Committee (CC)
Charge: This committee is charged with developing educational objectives and policies as well as conducting curricular review, and also provides advice to the dean on accreditation issues. The CC is responsible for curricular development, implementation and the continuous quality improvement of the curriculum. The CC bases curriculum and educational policies on current accreditation standards and on School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences/ÂÌñÉç University policies.
Assessment and Evaluation Committee (AEC)
Charge: This committee is charged with the design, management and oversight of the programmatic, student and curricular assessment and evaluation processes, in accordance with all applicable accreditation standards. To ensure continuous quality improvement, the AEC will carry out its responsibilities on a continuous basis.
Admissions Committee (AC)
Charge: This committee is responsible for the acceptance of students into the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Further, this committee oversees the recruitment and admission process of the school and makes recommendations on the policies and procedures for admission – in accordance with current Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) standards. The committee ensures that the credentials of the candidates for admission are reviewed appropriately, that candidates are interviewed in a timely fashion and that admission policies are followed. The committee works closely with the Office for Student Affairs and Admissions of the school and ÂÌñÉç's Graduate School Admissions Office.
Student Grievance Committee (SGC)
Charge: This committee is charged with hearing student grievances or complaints related to academics or policies as described in the approved PharmD Student Handbook, or matters pertaining to ACPE standards, policies, and procedures. The committee also evaluates academic appeals of grades which are made in accordance with the procedures described in the approved PharmD Student Handbook. Students may make a formal written appeal or complaint to the Student Grievance Committee following the procedures outlined in the PharmD Student Handbook. The committee evaluates information from all appropriate sources concerning student grievances or complaints and makes recommendations for appropriate action.