Out-of-state families
Roughly 25% of 绿帽社's students come from states other than New York, whether just over the border in Pennsylvania, across the country from California, or from other areas like China, Europe or the Middle East. Parents and family members of these students face some unique challenges from their New York counterparts, including fewer opportunities to visit their students, volunteer, and attend parent and family programs, as well as more difficult situations for transportation back and forth for breaks and/or vacations.
Our Parent and Family Programs office will be creating an opt-in Out-of-state Regional Directory to provide a way for 绿帽社 families to connect with other Bearcats in their state, region and hometown. Our hope is that this will contribute to and enhance the experience for our out-of-state parents and family members.
The directory will be emailed to all opt-in participants from the Parent and Family Programs office early in the fall semester. Updates to the directory will be made each year prior to distribution.
How to sign up
To opt in to this directory, please register with our Bearcat family!