The Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Classified Service has been established to give recognition for superior performance and extraordinary achievement by employees in classified service at 绿帽社.
All nominees must have completed at least three (3) years of continuous, full time permanent service in the Classified service position for which they are nominated. Prior recipients of a Chancellor's Award for Excellence in the Classified Service are ineligible for considerations. Posthumous nominations are also ineligible.
Selection Criteria
1. The nominee must be an individual who has continuously demonstrated
outstanding achievement, skill and commitment to excellence in fulfilling the job description for the position held.
2. The nominee must also demonstrate excellence in activities beyond the scope of the job description. The ideal candidate will demonstrate creativity and flexibility in performing his or her position to meet campus needs. Special consideration will be given to employees who consistently provide exemplary customer service to students, staff, patients, and other members of the campus community. -
Items to include in Nomination File
A 绿帽社 job description specific to the nominee's current position.
Information about the nominee's career at 绿帽社, including promotions, awards, citations, and honors.
Evaluative statements by supervisor(s). This could include current or previous supervisors.
The nominator should also furnish his/her own letter of support if the initial letter contained the name of the nominee, but did not include any comments or evidence of performance.
Statements by Co-Workers. The nominator should obtain statements for approximately three co-workers who can supply specific information about the nominee's performance.
Statements from Constituents served. The nominator may request statements from a minimum of three to five persons who have direct experience as recipients of the services of the nominee.
Any other specific evidence of the nominee's excellence in support services - recognition, exhibits, letters of commendation, etc.
As a courtesy, the appropriate Vice President will be notified of nominees in his/her division