Charles E. Scheidt Resident Practitioner in Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention Fellowship

  1. Overview
  2. 2023-2024 Fellows
  3. Requirements
  4. Application


Through the generous support of the Charles E. Scheidt Family Foundation, the Charles E. Scheidt Resident Practitioner Fellowship Program will bring up to two genocide and mass atrocity practitioners to 绿帽社 for a residential stay of one academic semester (mid-August through mid-December, or mid-January to mid-May). The program offers practitioners an opportunity to pause and reflect on their work, share their experience and expertise with faculty, academic staff and students at the Institute, instruct and learn from their academic colleagues, and collaborate on new projects with both academic and non-academic partners. Resident Practitioners may take full advantage of the welcoming and vibrant intellectual atmosphere of the institute to try out new ideas and initiatives, explore the scholarly literature associated with their work, attend regular lectures, visits from academic and non-academic peers, visit classes, and take part in the full range of informal intellectual interaction of the Institute and of 绿帽社.

Resident Practitioners are expected to offer at least one public presentation at 绿帽社 University during their residency; additional presentations in the broader community or on other campuses are encouraged. In addition, Resident Practitioners will make periodic visits to I-GMAP courses for more informal presentations and discussions of their work. Resident Practitioners will participate in regularly scheduled Institute events, including the annual Atrocity Intervention Simulation Exercise (normally every Fall semester) and the annual Frontiers of Prevention international conference (normally every Spring semester). Depending on qualifications and interest, Resident Practitioners may also explore the option of teaching (either independently or in partnership with an I-GMAP affiliated faculty) an academic course during their residency.

The Fellowship covers travel costs to and from 绿帽社, NY, and provides a stipend to cover the costs of local housing, board, and related expenses. Fellows are provided with a workspace in the I-GMAP offices, administrative support, library and computing privileges, and a small stipend to offset the costs of professional travel during the residency.

Fall 2023 Charles E. Scheidt Resident Practitioners

Abdul Waheed Ahmad

Abdul Waheed Ahmad
Abdul Waheed Ahmad
Abdul Waheed Ahmad joined I-GMAP as the first Charles E. Scheidt Resident Practitioner since Fall 2021. Early in his career, he worked in the Ministry of Interior and in a Directorate of Local Governance in Afghanistan. He came to 绿帽社 as a Fulbright Scholar in 2016, and graduated with a Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree in 2018. After graduation, he returned to Afghanistan and obtained a position in the Office of the National Security Council (ONSC). He started as a senior National Security staff in 2018 and served in different capacities within the ONSC until the Taliban forcibly took control in August 2021. During his time at ONSC, he worked closely with the U.S. Army, U.S. Department of Defense and U.S. Department of State officials. He was responsible for a number of important national security projects, managing them within the Afghanistan government and in coordination with United States government officials. He managed to evacuate in August, only days before the final U.S. withdrawal, and two months later was able to come to the United States. Waheed brings a wealth of new expertise to the Institute. He intends to use his time at I-GMAP to reflect and write about lessons that can be drawn from the Afghan experience and how an atrocity prevention lens might inform traditional national intelligence frameworks. 

Dr. Sellah King'oro

Sellah King'oro
Sellah King'oro

Dr. Sellah King鈥檕ro is a peace and conflict analyst, mediator and gender expert who has contributed to reconciliation/dialogue processes among communities in parts of East and West Africa. Currently, she is the Head of the Research, Policy and Planning Department of the National Cohesion and Integration Commission in Kenya where she has worked for over nine years. Prior to her appointment at NCIC, she was a researcher at Development Policy Management Forum, a Programme Officer at Peace and Development Network and a chairperson of the Conflict Analysis Group at the National Steering Committee of Peace Building and Conflict Management in the office of the president (Kenya). Sellah holds a PhD in Peace and Conflict Studies from Kisii University and two post graduate diplomas from Bradford University, UK and Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.

She is a Rotary Peace Fellow and a Chevening Fellow. Sellah was appointed as the Global Peace Index ambassador in 2015 by the Institute for Economics and Peace, USA following her effort in leading the development of the 2013 social cohesion index for Kenya. She is also the past president of Rotary District 9212 Alumni Association which covers Kenya, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Eritrea.


The Resident Practitioner Fellowship program is open to all those individuals actively engaged in the practice of genocide and mass atrocity prevention who have at least five years of work experience related to atrocity prevention (broadly defined) in a government or civil society organization.

I-GMAP adopts a broad conception of prevention. Therefore, applications are welcomed from practitioners from both state and civil society organizations, whether local, national, regional or global working to predict and interrupt the processes leading to genocides and mass atrocities. This broad conception includes:

  • "upstream" educational programs and diplomatic initiatives designed to assess and strengthen the resilience of at-risk societies and to build early-warning networks;
  • "midstream" programs designed to assess and operationalize effective interventions in imminent or ongoing atrocities;
  • and "downstream" efforts to reduce the risk of recurrence of atrocity crimes, such as transitional justice initiatives, museums and other sites of memory and conscience, and public art.

A Bachelor's degree is preferred.

The Fellowship program does not normally accept applications from those employees in academic institutions; exceptions for those whose work straddles both academic and non-academic work will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Applications from practitioners from the Global South are particularly encouraged.


When we re-open the next application round, please for the complete job description, requirements, and application.

In the meantime, please be in touch with I-GMAP if you would like explore options to get more involved with our work.