Policies and Procedures

Student advancement policies and procedures

The purpose of this policy is to create a process that will allow a timely and positive intervention when students are identified by faculty, internship supervisors, or student peers as experiencing problems that interfere with their progress in the Higher Education and Student Affairs (HESA) program. Through this policy, the HESA program exercises its responsibility to the higher education and student affairs profession to determine whether students have demonstrated the required level of achievement in the areas of classroom performance and professional and ethical behavior necessary to interact positively in organizations of higher education.

Advancement requirements

Advancement of students from one semester to the next is contingent upon satisfactory progress each semester. Evaluation of student progress in coursework and internships is based upon criteria as stated in syllabi, in internship placement agreements, and on skill, competencies, and personal behaviors listed below:

Academic performance

Admitted students are required to maintain a 3.0 grade point average the first semester of enrollment and each semester thereafter to continue in the program.

At a minimum, a "B" average (3.0 GPA) must be maintained in all work taken as part of the requirements for the degree. A "B" or better must be earned in HESA 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 517, 522, 524, 525, 590, along with the research methods course (HESA 515 or PAFF 510). 

A grade of "C" in any three courses or an "F" in any course will result in AUTOMATIC dismissal from the HESA program. The student may not be a candidate for the degree unless reinstated by the Chair of the HESA program upon recommendation of the faculty.

Professional performance

  • Students are expected to obtain and analyze data, synthesize information, and reach sound judgments.
  • Students are expected to plan and implement effective professional practices.
  • Students are expected to relate well with university supervisors, colleagues, and students.
  • Students are expected to demonstrate a commitment to and skill in self-evaluation.
  • Students are expected to respond to evaluation, testing, and criticism with appropriate modification of behavior.

Ethical performance

Students are expected to demonstrate honesty and integrity in all aspects of their academic program.

Students are expected to adhere to the American College Personnel Association's (ACPA) Code of Ethical Principles and Standards in all interactions with peers, staff, full-time and adjunct faculty, internship instructors, and all other members of the university community.
Advancement process and procedures

Advancement is a process intended to ensure that each student maintains adequate progress in gaining the skills, competencies, and behaviors required for graduation and ethical professional Higher Education and Student Affairs practice.

Students will advance automatically from semester to semester unless they are informed otherwise. Problems in academic, professional, or ethical behavior may be identified at any point in the semester by faculty (full-time and adjunct) or staff. Additionally, the faculty will review students currently enrolled each semester. The individual expressing the concern, if someone other than the student's adviser, will confer with the student's adviser (or the Department Chair if the individual is the student's adviser) to determine whether the concern justifies the formal process set forth below.

Any faculty member (full-time or adjunct) or staff who identifies a concern regarding a student's academic performance, professional behavior, or ethical conduct shall immediately notify the student, the student's adviser, and the Department Chair. The notice needs to be in writing, and the ways in which the student is failing to meet the advancement requirements must be specified.

The person identifying the concern shall meet with the student, the student's adviser, and the Department Chair. They shall develop a written plan to resolve the academic, professional, or ethical deficiency. The plan shall state with specificity the concern(s), the actions to be undertaken by the student, and the date by which the student must demonstrate the completion of and compliance with the plan. The plan must allow a reasonable period of time for completion but shall not allow more than one semester beyond the semester in which the concern is expressed. All the participants of this meeting must sign the plan. If unable to reach a consensus, the concern shall be returned to the Department Chair, who will confer with the Dean regarding the concern. A written copy of the final plan must be filed with the Department Chair.

Students who have unresolved concern(s) (i.e., concern[s] for which the written plan is in the process of development or the written plan remains executory) on file with the Department Chair at the end of the semester shall be notified by the Chair that they are advanced on a probationary basis. Notwithstanding the foregoing, students will not be approved for graduation if they have unresolved concern(s) on file.

The student's adviser shall, on or before the date specified in the plan for resolution of the concern, consult with the person who identified the concern under Item 1 above. If the student's adviser is the person identifying the concern, then he/she will consult with the Department Chair. They will determine whether or not the student has completed the actions designated in the plan and whether the concern has been resolved. This decision will be reported in writing to the Department Chair.

If the concern(s) is resolved, the Department Chair shall provide the student a copy of the report.

If the concern(s) is not resolved, the Department Chair shall notify the student in writing and provide a copy of the report. The Department Chair, in consultation with the Dean, will consider further action.

The action may include:

  • dismissing the concern as having no merit
  • placing conditions on the student's advancement in the program
  • recommending the student be suspended for a period of time
  • recommending the student be dismissed from the program
  • The Department Chair will notify the student in writing.

Additional resources

CCPA Ethics and Integrity Policies and Procedures