Image & Acoustics Signals Analysis Stream Accomplishments

BOLD = undergraduate
italics = faculty
* = student presenter

Research Publications

  • Canavan S, Keyes W, McCormick R, Kunnumpurath J, Hoelzel T, Yin L, "," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2017.
  • Canavan S, Chen M, Chen S, Valdez R, Yaeger M, Lin H, Yin L , "," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2017.

Research presentations

All FRI students present their research posters at campus events. Each team presents a research poster at the annual FRI Research Day in December. Those poster titles can be found on the "Research projects" page. Below are presentations made outside of annual FRI public session.

  • Ghayoumi M, 鈥滳ognitive based Architecture for Emotion in Social Robots鈥, Explainable Robotic Systems Workshop in conjunction with HRI 2018.
  • Ghayoumi M, "Local Sensitive Hashing (LSH) and CNN for Object Recognition鈥, ICMLA 2018, Florida,USA.
  • Canavan S, Keyes W*, McCormick R, Kunnumpurath J, Hoelzel T, Yin L, "Hand Gesture Recognition Using a Skeleton-based Feature Representation with a Random Regression Forest," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2017.
  • Canavan S, Chen M, Chen S, Valdez R, Yaeger M, Lin H, Yin L , "Combining Gaze and Demographic Feature Descriptors for Autism Classification," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2017.