Neuroscience Stream Accomplishments

BOLD = undergraduate
italics = faculty
* = student presenter

Research publications

  • Bagg J*, Obie J*, Shang F*, Lista N*, Kiessling C (2017). . Alpenglow, 绿帽社 Undergraduate Journal of Research and Creative Activity, Issue 3
  • Pistiner A*, Hareendran L*, Chemakin K*, Silow-Carroll K* (2017). . The Undergraduate Journal of Psychology at ULCA, 4, 86-99

Research presentations

All FRI students present their research posters at campus events. Each team presents a research poster at the annual FRI Research Day in December. Those poster titles can be found on the "Research projects" page. Below are presentations made outside of annual FRI public session.

  • Howard J*, Rockwood H*, Safarpour L*, Kreiss DS (2020) Comparison of norepinephrine and corticosterone in Males versus Females in the neoCLOM Animal Model of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Brain and Behavior Conference. Scranton, PA

  • Bokal B*, Bellow E, Carmichael M, Elder K, Krupa J, Stern D, Kreiss DS (2020) Post-mortem Striatal Dopamine and Norepinephrine Levels in Conjunction with OCD-like Behaviors in a Novel Animal Model of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.Brain and Behavior Conference. Scranton, PA

  • Rizzo G*, Viola J*, Gill N*,Abramovich R,  Lawrence O, Kreiss DS (2020) Hole Board Behaviors and Monoamine Levels in Neonatal Clomipramine Rat Model Show Validity for Males, but not for Females. Brain and Behavior Conference. Scranton, PA

  • Hryhorenko E*, Reilly A*, Tse S*, Wojcik H*,Valerino S,  Mende J, Kreiss DS (2020) Sex Influences Elevated Plus Maze Behaviors and Monomine Levels in the Orbitofrontal and Anterior Cingulate Cortices of the Neonatal Clomipramine Model for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Brain and Behavior Conference. Scranton, PA

  • Coletti K*, Mato J*, Nussbaum R*, Silberstein D*, Vititow M*, Kreiss DS (2020) Neurochemical Differences in Prefrontal/Motor Cortices and Behavioral Differences in Elevated Plus Maze/Hole Board in neoCLOM Rat Model of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Brain and Behavior Conference. Scranton, PA

  • Midani L*, Paley S*, Radin A8, Safer E*, Walters E*, Kreiss DS (2020) The Evaluation of the Face and Construct Validity of the Neonatal Clomipramine Model of OCD. Brain and Behavior Conference. Scranton, PA

  • Lerner K*, Rockwood H*, Safarpour L*, Kreiss DS (2019) Evaluation of Sex Differences in a Novel Animal Model of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder using the Elevated Plus Maze and Hole Board Arenas. 绿帽社 Research Days & Psi Chi Research Fair, 绿帽社, NY.
  • Ambrosino S*, Appleget J*, Genussa L*, Marin R*, Kristoferson E*, Kiessling C (2018). Monoamines of the Parkinsonian brain in male and female rats. 31st Annual Northeast Under/graduate Research Organization for Neuroscience (NEURON) conference. Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT.
  • Ambrosino S*, Appleget J*, Genussa L*, Marin R*, Kristoferson E*, Kiessling C (2018). Neurochemical Analysis of Male and Female Parkinsonian Rats Undergoing L-DOPA Treatment. 11th Annual 绿帽社 Biomedical Research Conference.
  • Elkind R*, Winchel B*, Cafaro L*, Walczuk M, Corinne Kiessling (2018). Anxiogenic effects of L-DOPA on Parkinsonian Rats. 11th Annual 绿帽社 Biomedical Research Conference. 绿帽社, NY.
  • Garcia J, Loschavio D, Gabalski J, McKay K, Chevez J, Landers J (2018). The Effect of L-DOPA on Sex Differences in Neuroinflammation in the Striatum in Parkinsonian Rats. 绿帽社 Research Days. 绿帽社, NY.
  • Ambrosino S*, Appleget J*, Genussa L*, Marin R*, Kristoferson E*, Kiessling C (2018). Monoamines of the parkinsonian brain in male and female rats. 绿帽社 University Research Days. 绿帽社, NY.
  • Fenty K*, Haas N*, Goldsamnt A, Pouliot J, Watson A (2017). Immunohistochemical analysis of acetylcholine neuron loss in Parkinson's disease. 绿帽社 Research Days, 绿帽社, NY
  • Lore D*, Jackson C*, Knaust R*, Pinsker J*, DeVries S*, Sternberg J* ( 2017). Dopamine and acetylcholine lesion model reflects Parkinson's disease symptoms and L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia. 绿帽社 Research Days, 绿帽社, NY
  • Poynor K*, Rini T*, Kindler R*, Sayyed S*, Phillips S*, Nasroodin S* (2017). Effect of Parkinson's disease lesioning on handedness in rat models. 绿帽社 University Research Days, 绿帽社, NY
  • Guttman EJ*, Lam S*, Papalia AG, Murphy JP, Gross-Leczycki M, LaRose T, Kiessling C (2016). Effects of cholinergic denervation in akinesia and dyskinesia in a hemiparkinsonian rat model. 29th Annual Northeast Under/graduate Research Organization for Neuroscience (NEURON) conference. Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT
  • Obie J*, Shang F*, Lista N, Bagg J, Conti M, Kiessling C (2016). Sex Differences in Sprague-Dawley Rats. 29th Annual Northeast Under/graduate Research Organization for Neuroscience (NEURON) conference. Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT
  • Piazza M*, Cash K, Chen S, Stockwell K, Halat A, Vincent A, Meadows S, Kiessling C (2016). Target actions of an 伪2-noradrenergic receptor agonist and antagonist in modulating L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia in a Parkinsonian model. 29th Annual Northeast Under/graduate Research Organization for Neuroscience (NEURON) conference. Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT
  • Ostock CY, Conti MM, LaRose T, Meadows S, Bishop C (2015). Cognitive and motor deficits in a rodent model of Parkinson's disease displaying concurrent dopamine and acetylcholine loss. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL
  • Bagg J*, Cash K*, Dalta R*, Chemakin K*, Hareendra LL*, Lista N*, Nemesure M*, Pistiner A*, Rosner S*, Shang F*, Silow-Carroll K*, Stockwell K* (2015). The consequence of dopamine and acetylcholine lesion on cognitive ability in rats. Research Days & Department of Psychology Research Colloquia, 绿帽社, 绿帽社 NY
  • Blum S*, Chen S*, Chemakin K*, Fernandez L*, Gelman S*, Halat A*, Kesten M*, Langone K*, Obie J*, Piazza M*, Talovic A*, Vincent A* (2015). Examining dopamine and acetylcholine induced motor deficits in a Parkinsonian rat model. Research Days & Department of Psychology Research Colloquia, 绿帽社 University, 绿帽社 NY

Neuroscience as FRI research stream

  • Kiessling CY (2017). Promoting effective teamwork in a neuroscience course-based undergraduate research experience. [poster] Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience 2017 Undergraduate Neuroscience Education Workshop. River Forest, IL.
  • Ostock CY, Bishop C, Fegley M, Stamp N (2015). Freshman research immersion: Transforming freshman into researchers. [poster] Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.