2022-2023 Faculty Senate Committees
Advisory Committee for Scholarship and Research (joint)
- Chair: Ali Moore, provost's appointee
- Manoj Agarwal, School of Management
- Serdar Atav, Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences
- Christopher Bishop, Psychology
- Junghyun Cho, Associate Dean for Research, Watson College
- Mary Beth Curtin, Associate Vice President for Research (non-voting)
- Daniel Davis, provost's appointee
- Tony Davis, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Nicole Fenty, CCPA Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership
- Eric Hoffman, Associate Dean for Research, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Murali Jagannathan, Associate Dean for Research, School of Management
- Carl Lipo, Associate Dean for Research, Harpur College of Arts and Sciences
- Kristina Marty, Associate Dean for Research, CCPA
- Mark Poliks, provost's appointee
- Xingye Qiao, provost's appointee
- Gail Rattinger, provost's appointee
- Meera Sampath, Assoc Dean for Research, Watson College
- Pam Stewart Fahs, Associate Dean for Research, Decker College of Nursing and Health
- Kaiming Ye, Biomedical Engineering
- Sangwon Yoon, provost's appointee
Budget Review Committee
- Chair: Barry Jones, Economics
- Michael Buck, Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences
- John Cordi, provost's appointee, ex-officio
- Anindya Debnath, undergraduate student
- Komla Dzigbede, CCPA Public Administration
- Matthew Gallagher, Libraries
- Donald Hall, president's appointee, ex-officio
- Jonathan Krasno, Faculty Senate Executive Committee chair
- Patrick Madden, Computer Science
- Natalija Mijatovic, Faculty Senate chair
- Debi P. Mishra, School of Management
- H. Richard Naslund, Geological Sciences
- Olga Shvetsova, Political Science
- Thomas Sinclair, CCPA Public Administration, ex-officio
- Susan Strehle, English
- Sandeep Vangapandu, graduate student
- VACANT, faculty (2)
Bylaws Review Committee
- Chair: Andrew Scholtz, Classical & Near Eastern Studies
- Cassandra Bransford, past Vice-Chair of Faculty Senate
- Jeremy Dibbell, Libraries
- Stephen Levy, Physics
- Pamela Mischen, president's appointee, ex-officio
- Sara Reiter, School of Management
- Olga Shvetsova, Political Science
- Melissa Zinkin, past Vice-Chair of Faculty Senate
- VACANT, provost's appointee, ex-officio
Committee for the University Environment (joint)
- Chair: George Homsy, CCPA Public Administration
- Aaron Berkowitz, undergraduate student
- Jeremy Boyle, PSS representative
- Nick Corcoran, ex-officio
- Alex Corsello, undergraduate student
- Joseph Graney, Geological Sciences
- Dylan Horvath, Steward of the Nature Preserve
- Tanya Husick, ex-officio
- Kim Jaussi, provost's appointee
- Carl Lipo, Anthropology
- Colin Lyons, Art and Design
- Jesenko Muftic, Physical Plant representative
- Sahil Naidu, graduate student
- JoAnn Navarro, Vice President for Operations
- James Pitarresi, provost's appointee
- Jonathan Reynolds, Physical Facilities, ex-officio
- Ryan Roosa, Residential Life representative
- Blythe Roveland-Brenton, Libraries
- Julian Shepherd, Biological Sciences
Committee on Committees
- Chair: Stephanie Hess, Libraries
- Ann Fronczek, Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences
- Les Lander, Computer Science
- Candace Mulcahy, CCPA Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership
- Sabina Perrino, Anthropology
- David Werner, Psychology
- VACANT, faculty
Convocations Committee
- Co-chair: Aleshia Huber, Libraries
- Co-chair: Jennifer Keegin, executive secretary
- Rosa Darling, Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences
- Donald Loewen, provost's appointee, ex-officio
- Kayleigh McGeeney, undergraduate student
- Suzanne McLeod, CCPA Teaching, Learning and Education Leadership
- Atira Peterson, undergraduate student
- Daniel Rocabado, undergraduate student
- Brian Rose, president's appointee, ex-officio
- Eitan Weinsteiner, graduate student
Diversity Committee
- Chair: Elizabeth Brown, Libraries
- Jobial Alex, graduate student
- Sandra Casanova-Vizcaino, Romance Languages
- Erica Juarez, undergraduate student
- Claudia Marques, Biological Sciences
- Andre Mathis, PSS representative
- Sara Reiter, School of Management
- VACANT, faculty (3)
Educational Opportunity Program Advisory Committee
- Co-chair: Nancy Abashian, Libraries
- Co-chair: Denise Yull, CCPA Human Development
- Yaseen Anderson, EOP student
- Justin Brymn, provost's appointee, ex-officio
- Mariah Bubel, Director of Recruitment for Undergraduate Students
- Dave Clark, Arts and Sciences
- Robyn Cope, Romance Languages and Literatures
- Stacey-Ann Gordon, EOP student
- Nya Greene, EOP student
- Nia Johnson, undergraduate student
- Karima Legette, Director of EOP
- Nicole Rouhana, Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences
- Nicole Sirju-Johnson, president's appointee, ex-officio
- Lisa Tessman, Philosophy
- Sara Wozniak, Decker College of Nursing and Health Services, ex-officio
- VACANT, graduate student
Evaluation Coordinating Committee
- Chair: Aaron Beedle, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Jane Bear-Lehman, Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences
- Megan Benson, Libraries
- Subimal Chatterjee, School of Management
- Madhu Govindaraju, Vice Provost for Informational Education and Global Affairs
- Tarek Shamma, Translation Research and Instruction Program
- Michelle Withers, Biological Sciences
- Sarah Young, CCPA Social Work
- VACANT, faculty
Information & Educational Technology Committee (joint)
- Co-chair: Kenneth Chiu, Computer Science
- Co-chair: Donald Loewen, Provost office
- Niyazi Bodur, Chief Information Officer
- Donald Hall, Provost
- Yvonne Johnston, Decker College of Nursing & Health Sciences
- Dikran Karaguezian, Mathematics and Statistics
- Tongshu Ma, School of Management
- Pamela Mischen, provost's appointee, ex-officio
- James Pitarresi, provost's appointee, ex-officio
- David Schuster, Libraries
- Andrew Tucci (non-voting)
- VACANT, faculty (2)
- VACANT, undergraduate student
- VACANT, additional non-voting member
Intercollegiate Athletics Committee
- Chair: Loretta Mason-Williams, CCPA Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership
- Cindy Cowden, VP for Student Affairs designee (non-voting)
- David Eagan, ex-officio
- Darcy Fauci, Chair of Intercollegiate Athletics Board, ex-officio (non-voting)
- Randy Friedman, Judaic Studies
- Dennis Kalina, Interim Athletics Director
- Donald Loewen, provost's appointee, ex-officio
- Nadine Mastroleo, NCAA Faculty representative (non-voting)
- Neil Christian Pages, German & Russian Studies
- Daniel Rocabado, undergraduate student
- Grace Vittoria, undergraduate student
- Vishrut Vaman Shenoy, graduate teaching assistant
- David Werner, Psychology
ITS Research Computing Advisory Committee (joint)
- Co-chair: Niyazi Bodur, CIO
- Co-chair: Kenneth Chui, Computer Science
- Yu Chen, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Tim Cortesi, provost's appointee, ex-officio (non-voting)
- Yetrib Hathout, Provost designee
- Blazo Kovacevic, Art and Design
- Chang Hee Park, Provost designee
- Pradeep Kumar Ramesh, graduate student
- David Schuster, Libraries
- Jonah Thomas, undergraduate student
- Nicholas Walling, ITS ex-officio (non-voting)
- VACANT, faculty
Library Committee
- Chair: VACANT
- Rosa Darling, Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences
- Jill Dixon, provost ex-officio member
- Nicholas Kaldis, Asian and Asian American Studies
- Curtis Kendrick, provost's appointee, ex-officio
- Pamela Mischen, president's appointee, ex-officio
- Heather Parks, Libraries
- Atira Peterson, undergraduate student
- Joshua Reno, Anthropology
- Jennifer Stoever, English
- Sarah Young, CCPA Social Work
- Chenrui Zhao, graduate student
- VACANT, undergraduate student
Micro-credential Committee (joint)
- Co-chair: Celeste Lee, Center for Learning and Teaching
- Co-chair: Patrick Madden, Computer Science
- Subimal Chatterjee, School of Management (non-voting)
- Erin Cody, provost designee
- Scott Craver, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Patrick Madden, Computer Science
- Jennifer Gillis Mattson, Psychology (non-voting)
- Michael Testani, provost designee
- Xingye Qiao, Mathematics and Statistics (non-voting)
- Sangwon Yoon, System Science and Industrial Engineering
- VACANT, faculty
Professional Standards Committee
- Chair: Robert Guay, Philosophy
- Christopher Bartlette, Music
- Hoe Kyeung Kim, CCPA Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership
- Sarah Maximiek, Libraries
- Melissa Zinkin, Philosophy
Program Review Committee
- Chair: Sara Reiter, School of Management
- Kanishk Barhanpurkar, graduate student
- Daniel Croce, undergraduate student
- William Eggleston, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Donald Hall, president's appointee, ex-officio
- Donald Loewen, German and Russian, ex-officio
- Patrick Madden, Computer Science
- Gretchen Mahler, provost's appointee, ex-officio
- Loretta Mason-Williams, CCPA Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership
- Sarah Maximiek, Libraries
- Xingye Qiao, Mathematics and Statistics
- Daniel Rocabado, undergraduate student
- Nicole Rouhana, Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences
- Caroline Sandleitner, undergraduate student
- Chenqing Song, Asian and Asian American Studies
- John Starks, faculty director of the Office of University-Wide Courses, ex-officio
- Barbara Wolfe, Theatre
- VACANT, faculty
- VACANT, graduate student
University Calendar Committee (joint)
- Chair: Donald Hall, Provost
- David Campbell, Public Administration
- David Eagen, Athletics, president/provost's appointee
- Mark Fowler, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Michael Kukawa, Physical Facilities, president/provost's appointee
- BrieAnna Langlie, Anthropology
- Donald Loewen, Provost's Office
- Sejal Luthra, undergraduate student
- Colin Lyons, Art and Design
- Krista Medionte-Phillips, Undergraduate Admissions, president/provost's appointee
- Paola Mignone, Residential Life, president/provost's appointee
- Carol Miles, Biology
- Michelle Ponczek, Course Building/Academic Space, president/provost's appointee
- Judith Quaranta, Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences
- Amber Stallman, Financial Aid and Student Records, president/provost's appointee
- Eitan Weinsteiner, graduate student
- Barbara Wolfe, Theatre
University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
- Chair: Les Lander, Computer Science
- Megan Benson, Libraries
- Alexander Borisov, Mathematics and Statistics
- Dave Clark, Harpur Dean's office, ex-officio
- Deborah Elliston, Anthropology
- Lisa Hrehor, Health and Wellness (non-voting)
- Gangadhar Korrapati, graduate student (TA)
- Donald Loewen, provost's appointee, ex-officio
- Pamela Mischen, president's appointee, ex-officio
- Steven Murphy, Chemistry
- Mary Muscari, Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences
- Anthony Reeves, Philosophy
- Sara Reiter, School of Management
- Jubie Tan, undergraduate student
- VACANT, faculty