2012 - 2013 Faculty Senate Committees
Budget Review Committee
- Chair: H. Richard Naslund, Geological Sciences
- Jonathan Krasno, Political Science
- J. David Hacker, History
- Roy McGrann, Mechanical Engineering
- Tom Sinclair, Public Administration
- Gary Truce, Decker School of Nursing
- Dennis Lasser, School of Management
- Edward Shephard, Libraries
- Gary Truce, Health & Physical Education
- James Carpenter, Graduate School of Education
- Ethan Taubman, undergraduate student
- -- pending --, graduate student
- Donald Nieman, president's ex officio appointee
- James VanVoorst, provost's ex officio appointee
- Michael McGoff*
Bylaws Review Committee
- Chair: Douglas Summerville, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Andrew Scholtz, Classics
- Sara Reiter, School of Management
- William Heller, Political Science
- Alistair Lees, Chemistry
- Terrence Deak, president's ex officio appointee
- Kelly Wemette, provost's ex officio appointee
Convocations Committee
- Chair: Serdar Atav, Decker School of Nursing
- Benjamin Andrus, Libraries
- Laura Anderson, Mathematical Sciences
- Marisa Sweeney, undergraduate student
- Joanna Wallace, undergraduate student
- Aaron Ricks, undergraduate student
- -- pending --, graduate student vacancy
- Brian Rose, president's ex officio appointee
- Shanise Kent, provost's ex officio appointee
- Jennifer Keegin, executive secretary
Educational Policy and Priorities Committee
- Chair: Sara Reiter, School of Management
- Al Vos, English
- H. Richard Naslund, Geological Sciences
- Michael McDonald, Political Science
- Laura Anderson, Mathematical Sciences
- Patrick Madden, Computer Science
- -- vacant -- Professional Schools faculty member
- Marisa Sweeney, undergraduate student
- Samantha Jewell, undergraduate student
- Diviani Chaudhuri, graduate student
- Donald Nieman, president's ex officio appointee
- Nancy Stamp, provost's ex officio appointee
- Donald Loewen, German and Russian*
Educational Opportunity Program Advisory Committee
- Chair: John Frazier, Geography
- Marilyn Gaddis Rose, Comparative Literature
- Hyeyoung Kang, CCPA, Human Development
- Adam Laats, Graduate School of Education
- -- vacant --, faculty member
- Dina Maramba, Student Affairs Administration
- Teddy Gyamfi, undergraduate student
- -- pending -- undergraduate student
- -- pending -- undergraduate student
- -- pending -- undergraduate student
- -- pending -- graduate student
- Sandrs Starke
- Jennifer Jensen
- Randall Edouard
- Valerie Hampton, president's ex officio appointee
- Dennis Chavez, provost's ex officio appointee
Intercollegiate Athletics Committee
- Chair: Michael Lewis, Computer Science
- Edward Corrado, Libraries
- Neil Christian Pages, German & Russian Studies
- Loretta Mason-Williams, Graduate School of Education
- Mohammad Bishawi, undergraduate student
- Traci Rubin, undergraduate student
- -- pending -- graduate student
- Cindy Cowden, VP for Student Affairs designee
- James Stark, Art, NCAA Faculty representative
- Terry Deak, Chair of Intercollegiate Athletics Board (ex officio)
- Ed Scott, Associate Athletics Director for Student Services (ex officio)
Library Committee
- Chair: Pamela Stewart Fahs, Decker School of Nursing
- Gerald Kadish, HistoryJill Dixon, Libraries
- Scott Henkel, English
- Sol Polachek, Economics
- Rosemary Arrojo, Comp Lit
- Lei Yu, Computer Science
- Jill Dixon, Libraries
- Andrew Topal, undergraduate student
- Yoo Wan Shin, undergraduate student
- Divani Chaudhuri, graduate student
- George Bobinski, president's ex officio appointee
- John Meador, provost's ex officio appointee
Professional Standards Committee
- Chair: Marilyn Gaddis Rose, Comparative Literature
- Carol Miles, Biological Sciences
- Sharon Bryant, Decker School of Nursing
- Sungdai Cho, Asian and Asian American Studies
- Caryl Ward, Libraries
University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
- Chair: Mark Reisinger, Geography
- Sarah Maximiek, Library
- Sara Reiter, School of Management
- Laura Anderson, Mathematical Sciences
- Ingeborg Majer-O'Sickey, German & Russian Studies
- Leslie Lander, Computer Science
- Jim Stark, Art
- Carolyn Pierce, Decker School of Nursing
- Michael Lawson, Human Development
- Lisa Hrehor* - Health and Wellness
- David Ostermann, undergraduate student
- -- pending -- graduate student
- Terrence Deak, president's ex officio appointee
- Don Loewen, provost's ex officio appointee
Academic Computing & Educational Technology Committee (Joint)
- Chair: Donald Nieman, Provost
- Sungdai Cho, Asian & Asian-American Studies
- Edward Corrado, Libraries
- Stephen Zahorian, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Tongshu Ma, School of Management
- Bruce White, Physics
- Karen Kozlowski, English
- Kenneth Chiu, Computer Science
- Justin Ziske, undergraduate student
- -- pending -- graduate student
- Cheryl Monachino, provost's appointee
- Thomas Kowalik, provost's appointee
- James VanVoorst
- Mark Reed
- Donald Loewen (non-voting)
- Andrew Tucci (non-voting)
- Jim Conroy (non-voting)
Committee for the University Environment (Joint)
- Chair: Julian Shepherd, Biological Sciences
- Ralph Miller, Psychology
- Donald Brister, Libraries
- Anne Barrett Clark, Biological Sciences
- Joseph Graney, Geological Sciences
- Carolyn Pierce, provost's appointee
- Carol Miles, provost's appointee
- Michael Pettid, provost's appointee
- Traci Rubin, undergraduate student
- Ravi Prkariya, undergraduate student
- -- pending -- graduate student
- James VanVoorst
- Monika Furch, PEC representative
- Scott Schubert, Residential Life representative
- Sally Oaks, Physical Plant representative
- Dylan Horvath, Steward of the Nature Preserve
Committee on Committees
- Chair: Angelique Jenks-Brown, Libraries
- Manas Chatterji, School of Management
- C. Beth Burch, Graduate School of Education
- Ruth Van Dyke, Antropology
- Leslie Lander, Computer Science
- -- vacant --
- Caryl Ward, Libraries
Evaluation Coordinating Committee
- Sarah Maximiek, Libraries
- Gary Truce, Decker School of Nursing
- John Baust, Harpur Science & Math
- Donald Boros, Harpur Humanities
- -- pending -- Harpur Social Sciences
- Scott Craver, Watson
- Pamela Sandoval, Graduate School of Education
- Sara Reiter, School of Management
- Thomas Sinclair, CCPA