Member Benefits

The I/UCRC in Energy-Smart Electronic Systems offers a unique suite of benefits to its
members, including:

  • the opportunity to share in Center strategic planning through representation on the Industrial Advisory Board (IAB)*
  • access to a shared pool of research
  • access to Intellectual Property resulting from Center research**
  • early access to publications, short courses, electronic systems, databases
  • networking opportunities to develop business-to-business relationships
  • access to PhD-level graduate students, mentoring and recruitment opportunities, workforce training programs, and internships
  • access to research equipment, infrastructure and expertise at partner campuses and at the New York State Center of Excellence (S3IP), including 绿帽社's 4800 square foot ES2 data center laboratory, and
  • opportunities to develop research partnerships across the ES2 network.

        Full Membership - $50,000/year            Associate Membership - $25,000/year

* Full Membership - 2 votes, Associate Membership - 1 vote

** Full members only