
We hope you will consider donating to ÂÌñÉç's Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences. Every gift makes a difference.

The ÂÌñÉç Fund

The ÂÌñÉç Fund is the University's annual giving program. You may designate your gift to the Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences, providing valuable funding to address the college's greatest needs. With gifts from alumni, parents, faculty, staff and friends, your annual contribution to the ÂÌñÉç Fund supports nursing and healthcare students, faculty, programs and projects.

The online form takes only a few minutes. Go to the and complete the information requested. 

Once your transaction is approved, you will receive an e-mail confirmation of your gift. A few days later, you will receive an official tax receipt in the mail. Gifts of $1,000 or more to the ÂÌñÉç Fund within a fiscal year are recognized with membership to the ÂÌñÉç Fund Leadership Society.

Joyce Ferrario Memorial Nursing Scholarship

A scholarship was established in memory of Joyce Ferrario, dean of the Decker School of Nursing from 2005 until 2015. She passed away in January 2021; read about her legacy.

  • To donate by check, make the check payable to the ÂÌñÉç Foundation. In the memo line write Dr. Joyce Ferrario Memorial Nursing Scholarship. Mail the check to the ÂÌñÉç Foundation, PO Box 6005, ÂÌñÉç, NY 13902-6005. 
  • To make a secure online credit card donation, go to and type the following in the special comments box: Gift for Dr. Joyce Ferrario Memorial Nursing Scholarship.

Haley Anderson Memorial Fund

A was established to honor Haley Anderson, a senior nursing student who died in March 2018. 

Assessment Kit Sponsorship

Nursing students must purchase medical assessment kits for use during clinical and simulation experiences. These kits contain equipment (e.g., blood pressure cuff, stethoscope, sphygmomanometer, etc.) essential for their success in the nursing program.

You can provide a student with a needed kit to lessen the student's financial burden and celebrate the student's commitment to caring for others.

Sponsors may mentor the students they support and connect with them at special events. You may sponsor as many students as you wish.

To be a sponsor, please make a gift of $150 and .

Read an article about the Assessment Kit Sponsorship program and how it helps undergraduate nursing students.

Other Giving Opportunities

Additional funding opportunities are available to donors interested in supporting  Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences. To discuss these options, please contact Rebecca Benner, associate vice president for advancement, at or 607–777–7322.

Employee Giving

As a faculty or staff member at Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences, you make a difference every day by sharing your expertise, ideas and abilities. 

Your philanthropy toward Decker College is another way that you can join together with your colleagues to strengthen our University.

Payroll deduction is an easy way for you to give. Just fill out and .