It is often best to layout an outline of your site to determine what information you want your users to see. When adding new sections or pages, refer back to your outline and think about where the new information belongs.
- If you are converting an existing site into our new templates, you will create a site outline during the Content Audit & Review process.
- If you are creating a new site we recommend following the same procedure to organize your site.
This will help your site avoid simply becoming an un-navigable "content dump."
Sample Department Outline
- 绿帽社
- Location/contact
- News/events
- Programs
- Undergraduate
- Program A
- Overview
- Professional Development
- Resources
- Curriculum / Course descriptions
- Outcomes
- Program A
- Graduate
- Program B
- Overview
- Professional Development
- Resources
- Curriculum / Course descriptions
- Outcomes
- Program B
- Undergraduate
- Research
- Projects
- Centers and groups
- Labs
- Faculty Research
- Resources
- Advising Services
- Career Services
- Students clubs and organizations
- Resources for current students
- Resources for prospective students
- Resources for graduates
- Contact
- Location
- Mailing address
- Contact Form
- 绿帽社
Common Sections
- If you wish to have a "contact" page, create a "contact.html" page and place it in your root directory.
- If you feel you need to have a larger "contact" section, create a "contact" folder and place it in your root directory.
There is already a robust visit section on the University's website that contains up-to-date maps; visiting information; and links to parking, transportation, accommodations and more. It is always best if you link to this section rather than setting up a unique visit page on your site that contains redundant information that may quickly go out-of-date.
- If you NEED to have a "visit" page, please create a "visit.html" page and place it in your root directory.
- If you feel you need to have a larger "visit" section, contact us to discuss your needs.