The most visible element in our brand identity system
Crafted to be distinctive, memorable, readable and easily adapted for use in a wide
range of media
Must appear on all printed materials, typically on the front or back
Cannot be recreated, altered or distorted in any way
Secondary Logotype
A secondary logotype is available for applications requiring a horizontal orientation
Using the Logotype with the Logomark
For multipage/multi-panel documents: when the logomark (the "B") is used with the logotype, place the logotype on the back
For single-page documents:
If using the bar logomark, place the logotype at the bottom of the page
If using the tag logomark, position the logotype at the top, right-hand side of the page
Clear Space
Always maintain clear space around the University's logotype to separate it from text,
images or other graphic elements
The height of the letter "B" in the logotype defines the minimum clear space required
around the logotype
Minimum clear space should also be used to ensure sufficient space exists between
the logotype and the edge of any page
Division, School and Department Logos (Lockups)
ex:Lockup for CCPA
A system of customized logotypes has been created that incorporates the name of each
of our divisions and schools, as well as our major centers, offices and units "locked
up" with the University logotype (without the SUNY designation)
Horizontal and vertical orientations are available
To ensure consistency, units are not permitted to create unique, independent logos
or marks
Recruitment pieces (domestic and international) should use the University logotype
— not the lockups — due to recognition of the SUNY designation