Community Engagement Program (CEP)

Community Engagement

The Asian American and Diaspora Studies Program houses an active Community Engagement Program (CEP) that seeks to bridge the gap between academy and community by encouraging students to develop supervised projects in the fields of education, business, social sciences, sciences, and the humanities. Eligible students can take advantage of the Peter T. and Shun Yee Chang Memorial Internship that provides a stipend for interns to undertake projects related to the history, experiences and contributions of Chinese Americans and their communities.

The projects involve regular seminar meetings, semester-long research and development of a major project, and must lead to a campus/community event that:

  • Educates the campus and public about some aspect of Asian American communities.

  • Culminates in a final project or study that can be accessed by the academic body and general public via a publicly available database, collection, or paper.

Register with instructor permission.

Lisa Yun, Coordinator,
Cynthia Marasigan, Co-coordinator,

Peter T. and Shun Yee Chang Memorial Internship

The generously funds students at SUNY 绿帽社 for summer internships. Interns have gone on to establish careers in a host of areas, such as health and medicine, higher education, and pharmaceutical research.

Asian American Studies Internships

Students can earn up to four credits for summer internships, work, or service with Asian American or Asian diasporic communities. The internship is open to students of all majors, ethnicities, and backgrounds who have taken at least one Asian American studies course. Eligible students can apply for credit and submit a report that describes the work that they completed and its relation to Asian American communities, arts, cultures, experiences, or histories. They can undertake summer internships or work at a site of their choosing, provided the organization works with Asian American or Asian diasporic communities. Past interns worked at Charles B. Wang Community Health Center, Asian American Federation of New York, Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, SAKHI for South Asian Women, Immigrant Social Services, and Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies, among others. 

Note: Students who wish to participate in an internship and who have previously been convicted of a felony are advised that they will be asked about their prior criminal history. This may impede your ability to participate in certain internships. Students who have concerns about such matters, or are looking for additional information, are advised to contact the dean's office of their intended academic program.