Let's Talk Posters: Poster Presentation Workshop

6-8 p.m. Tuesday, April 16, LN- G208

Is this your first time presenting a research poster? Are you feeling nervous or underprepared to present your research poster? You have come to the right place! We are a team of faculty and undergraduate researchers dedicated to mentoring and studying effective research communication.

Register at 

This workshop will offer opportunities to:

  • Rehearse with other participants using our interactive ClearTouch screens
  • Effectively prepare for the diverse audience members you might encounter at Research Days
  • Receive important information and relevant feedback
  • Build the confidence to give a GREAT presentation!


  • Poster for Research Days should be completed
  • Come with PDF of poster on a thumb drive or easily accessible via email or Google Drive for uploading onto ClearTouch TV panels
  • Come prepared to practice your poster presentation (even if it is your first attempt)

Event Description:

  • Pre-workshop survey
  • Short overview on the goals and challenges of communication your research via poster presentations
  • Practice presenting your research poster with other workshop participants and facilitators from various backgrounds, disciplines, and experience levels
  • Feedback provided by workshop facilitators
  • Post-workshop survey

Learning Outcomes: Participants should be able to

  • Understand the goals and challenges of communicating research via poster presentation
  • Develop an effective communication strategy that addresses the goals and challenges of poster presentation
  • Effectively communicate their research to the various types of audience members they may encounter at the Research Days Poster Session

Questions about the workshop? Email Caitlin Light at clight@binghamton.edu.