Dual MPA/MA or MS in Sustainable Communities

Dual MPA/MS in Sustainable Communities Course Sequencing (69 credits)

Year One

Fall (13-15 credits)

Spring (12 credits)

PAFF 510/SUST 520 (4 cr.) Research

Design and Methods

PAFF 521 (4 cr.) Foundations of Public


PAFF 520 (4 cr.) 21st Century Governance

PAFF 515, 516, or 523 (Evidence-Based

Decision-Making) (4 cr.) (Advanced Methods)

SUST 500 (4 cr.) Sust. Communities I

SUST 510 (4 cr.) Sust. Communities II

SUST 530 (1 cr.) Colloquium

SUST 532 (1 cr.) Colloquium

PAFF 502 (1 cr.) Basic Computer Skills


PAFF 503 (1 cr.) Intro to Admin Systems


Year 2

Fall (11 credits)

Spring (10 credits)

PAFF 527 (4 cr.) Budgeting & Finance

SUST (Economic Development) (3 cr.)

PAFF 532, 534, 535, or (Managing People

in Organizations) (3 cr.)

SUST (Social Equity) (3 cr.)

SUST (Environmental Policy) (3 cr.)

PAFF or SUST Elective (3 cr.)

SUST 534 (1 cr.) Colloquium

SUST 536 (1 cr.) Colloquium

Summer (2 credits)

PAFF Internship (2 cr.)

Year 3

Fall (9 credits)

Spring (11 credits)

PAFF 526 (2 cr.) Managing Info & Tech

PAFF or SUST Elective (3 cr.)

PAFF or SUST Elective (3 cr.)

PAFF 589 (3 cr.) The Reflective


PAFF or SUST Elective (3 cr.)

SUST 601 or 602 Thesis/Capstone (4 cr.)

SUST 537 (1 cr.) Colloquium

SUST 538 (1 cr.) Colloquium