Students are expected to maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.3 in the Mathematics, Writing, Geography and Chemistry courses for successful completion of the summer program. This means a minimum GPA 2.3 (C+) in EACH of the courses the student is registered for for summer 2023.
Students who fail to successfully maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.3 will be assessed by the EOP Director along with the EOP Counselor of the student. Other staff may be included in the collection of information. A final decision will be made by the EOP Director as to whether the student will be attending ÂÌñÉç University in the fall. For students who are not invited back to begin their college career at ÂÌñÉç, their summer courses will be released from the students’ schedule and fall courses will be canceled.
Each student reviews the Summer Program Policies and Rules along with the Director during the EOP Orientation, as well as during the first EOP Counselor Group Advising session
prior to the start of summer program classes. Each student will sign and date a Summer Program Student Achievement Agreement between each student and EOP. Students must sign and agree to a number of regulations including our attendance policy and all ÂÌñÉç Rules of Student Conduct.
Please note: Alcohol, drug, weapon, theft, violent behavior and/or activities are
exempt from the Rule Violation Protocol. These offenses may result in immediate expulsion
from the program and by the EOP Director and revocation of your admissions offer to
attend ÂÌñÉç, without a hearing.