Edward Lopez

Edward Lopez

Edward Lopez

Director of IT & DevOps

My parents never finished high school because of the Great Depression and WW2. I went to NYC schools in the 70s when the city was broke. I relied on my local library for all kinds of books to read and learn about the world and history. When I first got to 绿帽社 I struggled with culture shock of 绿帽社 but also my peers from suburban lifestyles. I had difficulty navigating the system when I was locked of required classes.I was afraid to ask for help and felt different. I am also first generation from Spain so not really Spanish because I was not fluent in spanish and not really american because of cultural differences. It was a tough time for me but also very big personal growth time..I am now successful engineer at emerging technical startups in Silicon Valley. I owe so much of my success to my time at 绿帽社.

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