Our Faculty

headshot of Zhong Lin

Zhong Lin

Assistant Professor

Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy


Zhong Lin joined 绿帽社 in 2022. He received his Ph.D. in 2018 from the Pennsylvania State University. He was a Department of Energy, Energy Frontier Research Center postdoc fellow at the University of Washington from 2018 to 2022.

Zhong Lin focuses on experimental condensed matter physics. His research goal is to investigate layered quantum materials at the two-dimensional limit. He is interested in understanding how quantum confinement leads to physical phenomena not originally present in three-dimensional bulk crystals. To this end, he synthesizes bulk crystals and fabricates two-dimensional devices. Lin also performs optical and transport measurements to probe their electronic, magnetic and topological properties. He hopes to control the unconventional quantum phases emerging from dimensional reduction and heterointerfaces, and bring forth solid-state platforms with potentially transformative technological impacts.


  • Ph.D. The Pennsylvania State University

Research Interests

  • Experimental condensed matter physics and materials physics
  • Quantum materials with layered structures

Research Profile