Cary Malkiewich
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Cary Malkiewich applies stable homotopy theory (spectra) to questions about manifolds and cell complexes.
He is particularly interested in applications involving algebraic K-theory, equivariance (the action of a group G), traces and fixed-point invariants, and differential topology (smooth manifolds). His work has also taken a recent turn toward scissors congruence; in 2022, he proved that it is described by a Thom spectrum, and he is developing the consequences of this surprising result for the higher scissors congruence groups. He is partially supported by the grants NSF DMS-2005524 and NSF DMS-2052923.
Select Publications
- Anna Marie Bohmann, Teena Gerhardt, Cary Malkiewich, Mona Merling, and Inna Zakharevich. A Trace Map on Higher Scissors Congruence Groups. International Mathematics Research Notices, 2024.
- John R. Klein, Cary Malkiewich, and Maxime Ramzi. On the multiplicativity of the Euler characteristic. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2023.
- John R. Klein and Cary Malkiewich. K-theoretic torsion and the zeta function. Ann. K-Theory, 2022.
- Cary Malkiewich and Mona Merling. The equivariant parametrized h-cobordism theorem, the non-manifold part. Advances in Mathematics, 2022.
- Cary Malkiewich and Kate Ponto. Periodic points and topological restriction homology. International Mathematics Research Notices, 2022.
- PhD, Stanford University
- AB, Princeton University
Research Interests
- Algebraic topology
- Homotopy theory
- Algebraic K-theory
- Harpur College Teaching Award Honorable Mention 2020, 2023, 2024