Educational Tiers

Empathy-Based Program

The First Tier is called the Empathy-Based Program and is based on John Foubert's book, 'The Men's Program: A Peer Education Guide to Rape Prevention' and utilizes The Police Rape Training Video. The peer educators use a combination of the video, excerpts adapted from John Foubert's workbook, sexual assault and consent definitions from Sokolow and Berkowitz (2002) to begin a discussion of empathy. Through this education the peer educators facilitate discussion to elicit victim empathy, awareness around consent, victim blaming and rape myths. The participants also begin to learn about how to help and listen to a victim who might come to them. Our model is modified to fit the campus culture at the University and to elicit the best response and facilitate the highest possible level of personal growth from our fraternity men. The program is in a continual process of adaptation and change to best meet the needs of the students. Below is an outline and "script" of our program. The "script" is adapted from Foubert's "The Men's Program".

for the full description of the empathy-based program. 

Awareness-Based Program

The Second Tier is an Awareness-Based Program in which the peer educators use "The Consent Game" (Raboy-Picciano & Rosario, 2005) to thoroughly explore the meaning of consent. The Consent Game is designed to promote discussion around consent through the use of scenarios in a way that gets participants talking about their biases, personal acceptance or rejection of rape myths, and cultural constructs around sexual consent and sexual assault. What we learned through educational programming was that students knew the definitions of sexual assault and consent, but when it came time to apply these definitions through the use of scenarios they were not able to do so. The Consent Game gave students the opportunity to explore in depth the meaning of consent, through practical application, and challenge deeply held beliefs in a non-threatening way. This tier also utilizes the research of David Lisak and his video "The Undetected Rapist" to help educate students on predatory behaviors, using the most current knowledge.

for the full description of the awareness-based program.