20:1 - Sexual Assault on College Campuses

  • 15 - 44% of college women become victims of acquaintance rape
  • 96% report a sexually coercive experience during their undergraduate years
  • Acquaintance rape is the "Hidden Crime."
  • "Hidden" or "undetected" offenders
  • 25 - 60% of men admit to some form of sexually coercive behavior
  • In 1984 (Rappaport & Burkhart Studey) 39% denied coercive involvement
  • 28% admitted having used coercion at least once
  • 15% admitted to forcing a woman to have intercourse at least once
  • In another study - with a national sample - 25% of male respondents had committed some form of sexual assault since the age of 14
  • 2/3 of college men engage in unwanted intercourse due to peer pressure or wanting to be popular

All information from Men and Rape: Theory, Research, and Prevention Programs in Higher Education, by Alan Berkowitz