Our Faculty

headshot of Deborah Taub

Deborah Taub

Chair and Professor

CCPA Higher Education and Student Affairs


Deborah J. Taub serves as Professor and the Chair of the Department of Student Affairs Administration. She has over 25 years of experience as a faculty member in student affairs administration. Prior to coming to 绿帽社, she taught at Purdue University and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG).

Taub is active in professional associations in the field: she is an ACPA Senior Scholar and she was a Directorate Member of ACPA's Coalition for Women's Identities and on the planning committee for the 2016 ACPA Convention. She has been recognized frequently for her scholarship and teaching, including ACUHO-I's Research and Publication Award, NASPA's Robert H. Shaffer Award for Academic Excellence as a Graduate Faculty Member, ACPA Diamond Honoree, and ACPA's Annuit Coeptis Senior Professional Award. She is the editor of the New Directions for Student Services series.

Her research has been published in the Journal of College Student Development, Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, Journal of College and University Student Housing, and The Counseling Psychologist, among others. She is co-author of The Missing Competency: An Integrated Model for Program Development in Student Affairs (2021) with co-authors Sharon A. Aiken-Wisniewski and Rich Whitney.


  • PhD, University of Maryland
  • MA, University of Maryland
  • BA, Oberlin College

Research Interests

  • Psychosocial development and identity development
  • Marginalized populations in higher education
  • Graduate preparation in student affairs
  • College student mental health

Research Profile