First Semester Sample Schedules by Major

Below are examples of typical schedules by major to help you make decisions about your major and your courses. Most students take 3-4 classes per semester and most courses at 绿帽社 are worth 4 credits each (12-16 credits). The maximum number of credits you can take in your first semester is 18 credits.

Your schedule may differ from the sample schedule depending on previous credits earned or if you are part of a special population (FRI, Scholars, Source Project, Living Learning Communities, etc.). If you are still exploring majors, take a look at the majors that may be of interest and see there are courses that can count for several different majors. 

  • Pre-Health

    While Pre-Health is not a major, students who are considering one of the should follow this sample schedule. 

    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Pre-health Prerequisite Course: Introductory Chemistry (CHEM 104 or 107)
    • Pre-health Prerequisite Course: We recommend students take one other math or science course such as Calculus I (MATH 224/225), Statistics (MATH 147*), Introductory Biology (BIOL 113 or 114), Introductory Psychology (PSYC 111)

    *Students who are considering Psychology or Integrative Neuroscience as a major should not register for Statistics. MATH 147 will not meet the statistics requirement for these majors. 

    • Non-Science or Math General Education Course
    • Non-Science or Math General Education or Writing/Composition Course

    For more information on Pre-Health tracks and required prerequisite coursework, visit the . 

  • Africana Studies
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: 100-200 level AFST course
    • General Education
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on Africana Studies, visit the Africana Studies website.

  • Ancient Mediterranean Studies
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: 100-200 level AMS course or LAT 101 or 203

    *Some courses in AMS may be cross-listed with courses from other departments. You are able to register for either section and have the course count towards the AMS major. For example, if a course is cross-listed in AMS and PHIL, you can register for the course in the PHIL section and still have it count toward the same requirement. 

    • General Education
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition
  • Anthropology
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: 100-200 level ANTH course
    • Introductory Major Course or General Education
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition or General Education

    For more information on Anthropology, visit the Anthropology department's website.

  • Art History
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: 100-200 level ARTH course

     *Some courses in ARTH may be cross-listed with courses from other departments. You are able to register for either section and have the course count towards the ARTH major. For example, if a course is cross-listed in ARTH and AAAS, you can register for the course in the AAAS section and still have it count toward the same requirement. 

    • General Education
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on Art History, visit the Art History department's website.

  • Art & Design
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Elective Course: 100-level ARTH course. 

    *Art Studio courses have limited enrollment. Students pursuing the Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Art and Design can begin major courses in Spring of freshman year or fall of sophomore year and be on track for graduation. Students pursuing the Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) should contact the department for advisement. 

    • General Education
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on Art & Design, visit the Art & Design department's website.

  • Arabic
  • Asian and Asian American Studies
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: 100-200 level AAAS course
    • General Education
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on Asian and Asian American Studies, visit the Asian and Asian American Studies website.

  • Biological Sciences
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory major course: Introductory Chemistry (CHEM 104 or 107)
    • Introductory major course: Additional Science or Math Course such as Introductory Biology (BIOL 113 or 114), Statistics (MATH 147), any 100-level Geology (GEOL) course*, Calculus I or II (MATH 224/225 or 226/227)*, ENVI 201*

    *These courses will count toward the additional Math/Science/Physical Science requirement for the Biology major. 

    • General Education 
    • General Education or Writing Course

    For more information on Biological Sciences, visit the Biological Sciences website.

  • Biochemistry
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: Intro Chemistry (CHEM 104 or 107) 
    • Introductory Major Course: Intro Biology (BIOL 113 or 114) 
    • Introductory Major Course: Calculus I (MATH 224/225) or II (MATH 226/227)

    **If you plan to take Calculus I (MATH 224/225), you must take the Calculus placement exam. MATH 224/225 and MATH 226/227 are 2-credit half semester courses that can be taken in the same semester.

    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on Biochemistry, visit the Biochemistry department's website.

  • Chemistry
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: Intro Chemistry (CHEM 104 or 107)
    • Introductory Major Course: Calculus I (MATH 224/225) or II (MATH 226/227)

    **If you plan to take Calculus I (MATH 224/225), you must take the Calculus placement exam. MATH 224/225 and MATH 226/227 are 2-credit half semester courses that can be taken in the same semester.

    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on Chemistry, visit the Chemistry department's website.

  • Chinese Studies
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: Chinese Language (CHIN 101, 103 or 203) 

    *Introductory major language course is dependent on previous credit. Make sure to check that you meet any prerequisite requirements for course you choose. 

    • General Education or Introductory Major Elective Course: 100-200 level AAAS course
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on Chinese Studies, visit the Asian and Asian American Studies website.

  • Cinema
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: CINE 121 or 122 or CINE 100-200 Level Elective Course
    • General Education
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on Cinema, visit the Cinema department's website.

  • Comparative Literature
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: 100-200 level COLI course
    • Introductory Major Course: Any World Language
    • General Education
    • General Education

    For more information on Comparative Literature, visit the Comparative Literature department's website.

  • Earth Sciences
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: 100-level GEOL course. Some courses to consider are: GEOL 102, GEOL 105, GEOL 170.
    • Introductory Major Course: Calculus I (MATH 224/225), Intro Chemistry (CHEM 104 or 107), or Physics (PHYS 121 or 131)

    *If you plan to take Calculus I (MATH 224/225), you must take the Calculus placement exam. MATH 224/225 and MATH 226/227 are 2-credit half semester courses that can be taken in the same semester.

    • General Education
    • Writing / Composition
  • Economics
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory major course: Intro Microeconomics (ECON 160) or Macroeconomics (ECON 162)
    • Introductory major course: Statistics (MATH 147 or 148) or Calculus I (MATH 220 or MATH 224/225)

    *If you plan to take either of the Calculus courses, you must take the Calculus placement exam. MATH 224/225 are 2-credit half semester courses that can be taken in the same semester. 

    • General Education
    • Writing / Composition or General Education

    For more information on Economics, visit the Economics department's website.

  • English
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: 100-200 English level elective. 
    • Writing/Composition: WRIT 111 is recommended in the fall or spring of the first year, but not required for the major
    • General Education
    • General Education

    For more information on English, visit the English department's website.

  • Environmental Studies
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: ENVI 101 or 201
    • Introductory Major Elective Course: ENVI 181A or ENVI 239 or ECON 160
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on Environmental Studies, visit the Environmental Studies website.

  • French
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: Language (FREN 111, 115, 211 or 215)

    *Introductory major course is dependent on previous credit. More information about language placement can be found on this website.

    • General Education
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on the French major, visit the Romance Languages website.

  • Geography
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: 100-200 level GEOG course. 
    • Introductory Major Elective Course or General Education
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition
  • German
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: Language (GERM 101, 102 or 203)

    *Introductory major language course is dependent on previous credit. Make sure to check that you meet any prerequisite requirements for course you choose.

    • General Education
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on the German major, visit the German and Russian Studies website.

  • Global Public Health
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: AFST 101, AFST 212, ANTH 166, HIST 230, GEOG 103, WGSS 200
    • Introductory major course or General Education
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition
  • Hebrew
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: Language (HEBR 101 or 203)*

    *Introductory major language course is dependent on previous credit. Make sure to check that you meet any prerequisite requirements for course you choose.

    • General Education
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on the Hebrew major, visit the Judaic Studies website.

  • History
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: 100-200 level HIST course
    • General Education
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on the History major, visit the History department's website.

  • Integrative Neuroscience
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: Intro Chemistry (CHEM 104 or CHEM 107)
    • Introductory Major Course: Intro Psychology (PSYC 111) or Biology (BIOL 113 or 114)
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on the Integrative Neuroscience major, visit the Integrative Neuroscience department's website.

  • Italian
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: Language (ITAL 111, 115, 211 or 215)

    *Introductory major course is dependent on previous credit. More information about language placement can be found on this website.

    • General Education
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on the Italian major, visit the Romance Languages website.

  • Japanese Studies
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: Language (JPN 101 or 203)*

    *Introductory major language course is dependent on previous credit. Make sure to check that you meet any prerequisite requirements for course you choose.

    • General Education
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on Japanese Studies, visit the Asian and Asian American Studies website.

  • Judaic Studies
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: 100-level JUST or ISRL Course
    • General Education or Introductory Major Course: Hebrew or Yiddish Language 
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on Judaic Studies, visit the Judaic Studies website.

  • Korean Studies
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: Language (KOR 101, 102 or 203)*

    *Introductory major language course is dependent on previous credit. Make sure to check that you meet any prerequisite requirements for course you choose.

    • General Education
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on Korean Studies, visit the Asian and Asian American Studies website.

  • Latin American & Caribbean Area Studies
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: 100-200 level LACS course. 
    • General Education
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on Latin American & Caribbean Area Studies, visit the Latin American & Caribbean Area Studies website.

  • Linguistics
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: 100-200 level LING course.
    • Introductory Major Course: World Language

    *Linguistics majors must take four semesters of any 100-200 level language or languages.

    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on the Linguistics major, visit the Linguistics department's website.

  • Mathematics and Statistics
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: Calculus I (MATH 224/225), Calculus II (MATH 226/227), Linear Algebra (MATH 304) or Calculus III (MATH 323)

    *Students with credits for Calculus 1 (MATH 224/225) and with very strong math preparation may take MATH 230 (Honors Calculus, offered only in the fall) in place of Calculus 2 (MATH 226/227)
    **Introductory major course is dependent on previous credit. Make sure to check that you meet any prerequisite requirements for course you choose.

    • General Education
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on the Math major, visit the Math department's website.

  • Medieval & Early Modern Studies
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: MDVL 101
    • General Education or Introductory Major Course: World Language if starting at 100-level
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on Medieval Studies, visit the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies website.

  • Music
    Sample First Semester Schedule:

    *Students are unable to register for Studio Lessons or Ensemble on your own. These courses are added at the beginning of the semester after auditions

    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition or General Education

    Students interested in the Bachelor of Music program should visit the Music department's website.

  • Philosophy
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: 100-200 level PHIL course
    • General Education
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on the Philosophy major, visit the Philosophy department's website.

  • Philosophy, Politics & Law
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: 100-200 level PHIL, PLSC, HIST, ECON or SOC course. 
    • General Education
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on Philosophy, Politics, and Law, visit the Philosophy, Politics, and Law website.

  • Physics
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: Physics I (PHYS 121 or 131)
    • Introductory Major Course: Calculus I (MATH 224/225) or II (MATH 226/227)

    **If you plan to take Calculus I (MATH 224/225), you must take the Calculus placement exam. MATH 224/225 and MATH 226/227 are 2-credit half semester courses that can be taken in the same semester.

    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on the Physics major, visit the Physics department's website.

  • Political Science
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory major course: 100-level PLSC course (included cross-listed courses)
    • Additional social science elective for major: Any 100-200 level elective from ANTH, ECON, GEOG, HIST or SOC. 
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition or General Education

    For more information on the Political Science major, visit the Political Science department's website.

  • Psychology
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory major course: Introductory Psychology (PSYC 111) or Psychology elective (PSYC 220, 223, or 228)

    *Introductory major course is dependent on previous credit. Make sure to check that you meet any prerequisite requirements for course you choose.

    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition or General Education

    For more information on the Psychology major, visit the Psychology department's website.

  • Russian and Eastern European Studies
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: Russian Language (RUSS 101 or 203)

    *Introductory major language course is dependent on previous credit. Make sure to check that you meet any prerequisite requirements for course you choose.

    • General Education or Introductory Major Course: RUSS 110 or 215
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on the Russian and Eastern European Studies major, visit the German and Russian Studies website.

  • Sociology
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: 100-200 level SOC course (with the exception of SOC 200 - Foundations of Social Theory)
    • General Education
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on the Sociology major, visit the Sociology department's website

  • Spanish
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: Language (SPAN 111, 115, 211, 212, 213 or 215)

      *Introductory major course is dependent on previous credit. More information about language placement can be found on this website

    • General Education
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition or General Education

    For more information on the Spanish major, visit the Romance Languages website.

  • Theatre
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: THEA 203
    • Introductory Major Course: THEA 207 or 208 for Acting; THEA 223, 225, 226, 227 or 228 for Dance
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on the Theatre major, visit the Theatre department's website.

  • Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Introductory Major Course: 100-200 level WGSS course
    • General Education
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition

    For more information on Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, visit the Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies website.

  • IntraUniversity Transfer to CCPA - Human Development
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • CCPA prerequisite course: Intro Psychology (PSYC 111) or Sociology (SOC 100)
    • CCPA prerequisite course: Social Science elective (Any 100-200 level elective from ANTH, ECON, GEOG, HIST or SOC)
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition (C or J)

    For more information, visit the Intra-University Transfer website for CCPA.

  • IntraUniversity Transfer to CCPA - Social Work
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • CCPA prerequisite course: Intro Psychology (PSYC 111) or Sociology (SOC 100)
    • CCPA prerequisite course: Statistics (MATH 147) or Biology (BIOL 114)
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition (C or J)

    For more information, visit the Intra-University Transfer website for CCPA.

  • IntraUniversity Transfer to Decker School of Nursing
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Decker prerequisite course: Intro Chemistry (CHEM 101, 104 or 107) 

    *Intra-University Transfer (IUT) is competitive and there is no guarantee of admission. CHEM 101 only fulfills the prerequisite for IUT into Decker. The CHEM 101-102 sequence does not complete the major requirements for any major requiring intro chemistry and does not complete the prerequisite for CHEM 221, 231, 341 or 351. 

    • Decker prerequisite course: Biology (BIOL 113) or Psychology (PSYC 111 or 220)
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition (C or J)

    For more information, visit the Intra-University Transfer website for Decker.

  • IntraUniversity Transfer to School of Management 
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • SOM prerequisite course: Intro Microeconomics (ECON 160) or Macroeconomics (ECON 162)
    • SOM prerequisite course: Statistics (MATH 147) or Calculus (MATH 220 or MATH 224/225)

    *If you plan to take either of the Calculus courses, you must take the Calculus placement exam. MATH 224/225 are 2-credit half semester courses that can be taken in the same semester. 

    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition (C or J) or General Education

    For more information, visit the Intra-University Transfer website for the School of Management.

  • IntraUniversity Transfer to Watson - Computer Science
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Watson prerequisite course: Calculus I (MATH 224/225) or II (MATH 226/227) 

    **If you plan to take Calculus I (MATH 224/225), you must take the Calculus placement exam. MATH 224/225 and MATH 226/227 are 2-credit half semester courses that can be taken in the same semester.

    • Watson prerequisite course: Intro Biology (BIOL 113 or 114), Chemistry (CHEM 104 or 107) or Physics (PHYS 121 or 131) or any course that fulfills the Lab (L) General Education requirement
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition (C or J)

    For more information, visit the Intra-University Transfer website for Watson.

  • IntraUniversity Transfer to Watson - Engineering
    Sample First Semester Schedule:
    • Watson prerequisite course: Calculus I (MATH 224/225) or II (MATH 226/227)

    **If you plan to take Calculus I (MATH 224/225), you must take the Calculus placement exam. MATH 224/225 and MATH 226/227 are 2-credit half semester courses that can be taken in the same semester. 

    • Watson prerequisite course: Chemistry (CHEM 104 or 107) or Physics (PHYS 121 or 131)
    • General Education
    • Writing/Composition (C or J)

    For more information, visit the Intra-University Transfer website for Watson.