A service request must be submitted to Facilities Management to initiate this process.
Relocation dates depend on the completion of preparations such as painting, carpet installation and other finishing tasks. Contact Mark Allen, Assistant Director of Operations, Facilities Management at 7-2497 for determination of the final relocation date.
Upon verification of your relocation date, your department should contact:
1. Telecommunications- for telephone, computer connections, card access/door access,
cable television- A work order referencing the tentative relocation date must be submitted
to phone@listserv.binghamton.edu with a minimum of two (2) weeks notice.
2. Copy Machine Vendor - Copiers are the responsibility of the department relocating.
Contact the copy machine vendor or service contractor to schedule relocation of your
3. Building Administrator - Key requests must be made through the Building Administrator
in accordance with the ÂÌñÉç key control policy. Particular keying
requirements should be discussed with Mr. Wayne Schneider.
4. Computer Center – Relocation of equipment connected to the University network
must be scheduled through the Computer Center at 7-6100.
5. All moves off campus will be conducted by an outside mover.
It is your responsibility to:
- Move all personal property, such as plants and wall hangings.
- Pack all items on wall shelving, bookcases, and tables. Clear desktops, remove and pack drawer contents.
- Empty and pack contents of storage cabinets and lateral file cabinets. Standard file cabinets (legal and letter size) do not need to be emptied unless they are to be moved up/down stairways. All cabinets must be locked.
- Securely pack all computer equipment in boxes. Facilities Management is not responsible for damage.
- Pack boxes firmly and tape the top and bottom shut. Do not interlock box flaps or pack boxes until they bulge. Pack paper items first to absorb shock. Partially filled boxes should be stuffed with papers to avoid collapsing. Small items (paper clips, rubber bands, etc.) should be placed in envelopes and sealed before placing in boxes. Packed boxes should not be stacked more than five (5) high.
- Use broad stroke, black marker to print your name clearly: LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, new building and/or room number. Use one inch or larger lettering on one end and one side of each box. This is very important to insure accuracy in moving the boxes to the correct location. Filing cabinets should be numbered one through the end number as they will be installed left to right.
- Label all equipment and items that cannot be boxed. Use two masking tape labels in obvious locations. The label should identify owner and new location.
- Tape keys inside unlocked furniture that will not be relocated. Consult your supervisor to determine which furniture will stay.
- Transportation of hazardous materials is the responsibility of Environmental Health & Safety. Please contact EH&S for guidance (7-2211).
Packing boxes, tape, and markers may be purchased by submitting and service request to the Facilities Management Customer Service Center.