A. Objective
The objective of this annex is to define the actions and roles necessary to provide a coordinated emergency response by students, administration, faculty, support personnel, visitors and departments for 绿帽社 during an emergency situation or disaster. This plan provides personnel and departments at 绿帽社 with a general concept of potential emergency assignments before, during and following emergency situations.
B. Situational Overview
The provision of dining services is a critical function of 绿帽社. A substantial number of students reside on the 绿帽社 campus and rely upon dining services as their primary source of food. A failure to meet needs of the 绿帽社 students would create a significant hardship for all on-campus residents.
C. Food Service Facilities
绿帽社 Dining Services (BUDS) offers a wide variety of diverse dining options. To learn more, visit . Dining Near Me provides a brief description of the services offered, hours of operation, and menu offerings for each location.
D. Interruption of Service
It is possible an unplanned and/or unforeseen event could interrupt the delivery of dining services on the 绿帽社 campus. Such an interruption of service could originate from, but not be limited to, the following scenarios:
- Power outage
- Loss of infrastructure (i.e. fire, collapse, contamination, etc.)
- Labor disruption
- Supply chain management disruptions
Potential solutions to the interruption of service will be significantly dependent upon the event that caused the disruption. 绿帽社 and BUDS officials will work to immediately identify the source of the disruption and develop contingency plans to ensure all resident students continue to be fed.
During an event that disrupts dining services, it can be expected that menu choices will be limited, hours of operation will be altered and facilities may be unavailable.
If necessary, BUDS officials shall work with external agencies to supplement the provision of food and water. Assistance may be provided by the Broome County Office of Emergency Services and/or the New York State Office of Emergency Management (Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services.) These agencies have the ability to mobilize local, state and federal resources when a critical need arises.
Power Outage Considerations
In the event of a power outage that disrupts the ability to prepare food and renders 绿帽社 Dining Services kitchens unusable, barbeque grills and portable stoves may be utilized as necessary. All cooking equipment must be operated in a safe manner and portable grills and stoves would be moved outdoors to ensure the safety from fumes to all students, staff, faculty and guests.
BUDS staff will make use of items in freezers and other perishable items that rely on power for storage.
Facilities Management officials will work to identify the possibility of using temporary power sources to supplement food preparation facilities. If the use of temporary power is appropriate, Facilities Management staff will work with BUDS resources, external partners and existing service contracts to secure the necessary resources to provide temporary power to food preparation facilities.
Loss of Infrastructure
绿帽社 Dining Services may lose access to critical infrastructure as a result of a critical incident. Infrastructure may be damaged as a result of a fire, severe storm, extensive contamination to food preparation areas, etc. This type of emergency may last longer than other interruptions of service as it may take time to determine the nature of the damage and to complete appropriate repairs.
绿帽社 and BUDS officials will shift the burden of food preparation to other 绿帽社 facilities as appropriate. Depending on which facility is damaged, the remaining facilities may or may not be able to adequately absorb the increase demand for service.
If a gap in food service is identified as a result of the loss of infrastructure, 绿帽社 and BUDS officials would work to fill the service gap needs. Setting up a temporary food preparation facility would be a priority. A temporary cooking facility will require extensive utilities and ventilation and cannot be quickly established without considering all safety issues. A temporary cooking facility may be established in an existing facility (if appropriate space is identified) or in an outdoor location in temporary tents or trailers.
Labor Disruption
Food service is a labor-intensive endeavor and any disruption in labor could lead to overall disruptions in service delivery. Regardless of the cause of the labor disruption (organized labor strike, pandemic, etc.), the result is not enough human resources to fulfill the dining service mission.
Whenever possible, BUDS shall use its existing pool of employees to supplement unexpected absences. When this pool of employees is either unavailable or exhausted, 绿帽社 University may supplement the labor force with additional personnel, as appropriate and available.
Supply Chain Management Disruption
A disruption of supply chain management could have significant effects on BUDS operations. The inability to re-stock supplies could leave the campus vulnerable to interruptions in service.
BUDS will attempt to establish new contracts with vendors not impacted by the supply chain management disruptions. If this is not possible, BUDS will consider alternate supplies in lieu of the desired items.
E. Fire
The following steps should be followed:
- Small Fire: If a small fire starts in or on cooking equipment, employees can attempt to extinguish the fire, if trained to do so, by using a fire extinguisher. DO NOT USE WATER.
- Large Fire: If a large fire starts in or on cooking equipment equipped with hoods, employees should activate the Ansul Fire Suppression System, if safe to do so.
- Call for Assistance: When safe, University Police MUST be notified of all fires by calling ext. 7-2222 or 607-777-2222 or by ACTIVATING THE FIRE PULL STATIONS, and giving as much detailed information about the fire as possible.
- Fire Extinguishers: Employees are not to use fire extinguishers unless they are trained and it is safe to do so.
- Evacuation: In the event of any fire, employees should evacuate the building, ensuring all occupants have also exited, and activate the fire pull station on the way out of the building.
F. Medical Emergency
The following steps should be followed:
- If an employee, customer or client is having a medical emergency, immediately notify University Police for assistance, (ext. 7-2222 or 607-777-2222).
- Give the dispatcher as much information as possible so he/she can coordinate proper medical assistance.
- Keep the person as calm as possible, until medical assistance arrives.
Note: If an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is needed, persons trained in its use may access the AED wall box located in each campus facility.