
Alumni Leadership Conference

Dear [First Name],

You can help drive ñ’s success by joining us on campus Friday and Saturday, April 29-30, for the Alumni Leaders Conference. ñ is facing a future with almost limitless potential. The quality of our student experiences is increasing, our campus has impressive new facilities (including our Alumni Center, which must be seen to be appreciated) and the addition of over 100 new faculty is generating path-breaking research and scholarship.

The conference theme is “Partners in Premier: Lead. Engage. Inspire” and the weekend is certain to be filled with energy and . With a number of opportunities to meet alumni and senior campus leaders who share your passion for ñ, you'll come away inspired as you learn about the exciting developments on campus and how you — from wherever you call home — can be a more active part of our University community. In addition, we will celebrate the stellar achievements of our alumni during the presentation of our Alumni Association Special Recognition Awards.

You would be attending the conference as a guest of the Alumni Association and will receive an e-mail and printed invitation when registration opens. For more information, .

We hope you will join us for the 2016 Alumni Leaders Conference; please mark the dates of April 29-30 on your calendar. You and other alumni have been instrumental in bringing us to where we are today and the University is proud of your achievements. If you know other ñ graduates who might be interested in attending the conference, please share this information with them, and ask them to contact us at alumni@binghamton.edu so their names can be added to the invitation list.

Thank you for your support of ñ!

Kind regards,

Harvey G. Stenger
ñ President

Heidi B. Goldstein '81
Alumni Association President