Online Teaching

Campus-Supported Online Teaching Options

Instructional Design Services supports online teaching and learning through multiple avenues. 

Teaching Online Certification Program 

Participants in this program explore current research and practices regarding online learning, as well as related instructional design concepts and technologies. The program is delivered in a hybrid format; most of the material is in an online, self-paced format, while other content is in a face-to-face format.

The face-to-face time commitment is 2 hours for one end-of-course seminar and at least 2 hours for face-to-face consultations with your assigned instructional designer. The rest of the program is delivered in an online format through myCourses.

Participants must apply and be accepted to be a part of the TOCP. Calls for applications are announced in late August/early September (for fall participation) and late December/early January (for spring participation.) TOCP is not offered over the summer.   

Harpur Program on Online Teaching Pedagogy

Successful completion of the Harpur Program on Online Teaching Pedagogy is REQUIRED before instructors are allowed to teach online/hybrid courses in Harpur College, unless the instructor applies for, and is granted, an exemption. The Harpur Dean's Office will consider petitions for exemption from the program and will contact the instructor via email with a decision.

Instructors who have previously completed the Harpur Online Training or the CLT's Teaching Online Certification Program are not required to do so again. If you have any questions, please contact Kaitlin Maynard.

The program consists of two fully online courses in myCourses. As per your online teaching contract, you must complete both components in order to successfully complete the program. Your course will be canceled if you fail to successfully complete the program or gain an exemption prior to the start of the course.

SUNY-Supported Online Teaching Options

The SUNY Remote Teaching Institute is designed to help faculty prepare for a Fall 2020 semester that may present unique challenges to course design and delivery.

This FREE Institute is brought to you by the SUNY Center for Professional Development (CPD) in collaboration with campuses across the state.

Registration is available for individual webinars or the entire series. There will also be asynchronous components offered throughout the summer for those looking for a more in-depth experience, opportunities for sharing & collaboration, and mentoring by content experts.

SUNY Remote Teaching Institute Asynchronous Materials

For individuals looking or a more in-depth experience, opportunities for sharing, collaboration, and mentoring by content experts will be available in an asynchronous format. 

Hyflex: Considerations, Challenges, & Opportunities for SUNY Campuses webinar series

Join this panel discussion to get a better understanding of the HyFlex learning model. Focus will center on effective framing of and campus communication about HyFlex; and effective supportss for faculty and staff to promote institutional success.

Panelists will discuss how to determine the technological and classroom space requirements for effective HyFlex Learning Model implementation. The panel will explore a range of solutions from budget-conscious to high-end technologies to support institutional goals and budgets.

Join a panel of SUNY faculty to discuss HyFlex Model implications for faculty including: expectations of faculty members in the design and delivery of HyFlex courses; what it takes to be an effective HyFlex instructor; and what institutional supports can help faculty reach their goals.

This panel will focus on the best practices for supporting faculty in the development and delivery of HyFlex courses. Panelists will discuss both technical and pedagogical support for faculty, sharing materials and lessons learned along the way.