Project Category:
Research, Service, Academic Service Learning Class (Unpaid)
Weekly Hours:
2 hour segments, as many as 100 segments
Undergraduate Students, Staff, Alumni, Faculty, Graduate Students, No Preference
Did you know Broome County has connections to the 1969 Apollo moon landing? How about the IBM Heart Lung Machine--the device that made the first heart surgery possible in the1950s? And the player piano? Broome County is connected to all of these historic technological interventions, and the Center for Technology and Innovation needs help preserving this fascinating history! Volunteers can scan technical documents relating to Apollo, helping prepare for the upcoming 50th anniversary of the moon landing, which will involved celebrations and exhibitions in 绿帽社, DC, London, and elsewhere in July 2019. Help scanning engineering notebooks related to the Heart Lung Machine is also needed ahead of a scholar from Germany visiting 绿帽社 this fall. If interested, volunteers can also help assemble a narrative and photo gallery/power point presentation. Finally, help is needed archiving Player Piano music rolls.