Eligibility Documentation
To determine what eligibility documentation you must submit, answer the following question:
Do you live with either your biological or adoptive parent(s)?
YES: I DO live with either my biological or adoptive parent(s)
Did your parent(s) file 2023 federal income taxes?
If Yes:
- Send a copy of your parent(s)' 2023 W-2s
- Send a copy of your parent(s)' 2023 federal income taxes, more specifically:
- Form 1040 as well as ALL required schedules (numbered and/or lettered)
- Worksheet pages aren't necessary
- State (NYS) returns aren't necessary
- The signature section on page 2 of the 1040 must be signed by the person filing (most likely your parent) or we won't be able to review
- If your parent(s) don't have a copy of their 2023 federal tax return, you can order a (either form 1040 or a tax transcript).
- If you aren't claimed as a dependent on your parent(s)' tax return, you must still send the tax return along with a letter signed by you (the student) and the parent with whom you reside describing why you weren't claimed
If No:
- Go to the to request proof of non-filing letter
- Complete all information: Your parents Social Security number, date of birth, etc.
- Click "Order a Transcript" under #3
- When prompted to pick a "Type of Transcript," select RETURN TRANSCRIPT and tax year 2023
- Within two weeks, you'll receive a letter from the IRS stating no tax return is on file for your parent's Social Security number
NO: I DO NOT live with either my biological or adoptive parent(s)
Which Situation Applies to You?
This will determine what type of documentation you need to provide to complete your EOP application.
In Legal Guardianship
This means you're living with someone other than your biological parents as appointed by the county or state court system. You are required to provide the following documentation:- A copy of legal papers from the court that describes your guardianship
- If your parents are deceased, you must also include a copy of both death certificates (contact the town/city office where they passed away)
- A signed letter from you, the student, describing any money earned or given to you in 2023; if W-2s and tax returns are available, include those as well
Appointed a Ward of the Court
This means you're living in foster care or protective custody. You're required to provide the following documentation:- A copy of the court letter that confirms your status as a ward of the court (i.e., from the child protective agency you're residing with)
If you don't fit in any of the situations above, we need to understand whom you are living with and why. You are required to send an email to eopadmit@binghamton.edu describing your situation in as much detail as possible. We'll then determine what type of documentation you're required to submit.
How and Where to Send Documentation
Include your Reference Number (available on the status checker) on the top of each page. If you're unable to access your Reference Number, make sure your name is clearly written on the top of each page. Send copies of documentation only; keep originals for your records. Review our EOP documents page for details regarding documents. To submit all eligibility documents:
SUNY Application: Upload to your
Common Application: Upload to your
Coalition Applicants: Upload to your 绿帽社 status checker (when requested) or email to Undergraduate Admissions at eopadmit@binghamton.edu.
Note: You may also send materials directly to 绿帽社 by email, mail or fax.